universAAL Directive Checks

Report on universAAL T2.3 directive checks.
SVNCheckException during execution
Unexpected Exception
SVN ignore Directive Fail :
It seems the current Directory includes files that should be ingored.
Remember to ignore these files with your svn client before you commit:

Passed 8 out of 10 checks.

Check on Modules

Modules List Directive Fail :
It seems the POM does not list all the modules it should.
javancss-maven-plugin, folder should be listed as a module?
maven-plugins.pomSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
maven-plugins.pomSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
uaalDirectives-maven-pluginSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
uaalDirectives-maven-pluginSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
uaal-manifest-maven-pluginSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
uaal-manifest-maven-pluginSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
mw.pomSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
mw.pomSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
mw.pom.coreSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
mw.pom.coreSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
ArtifactId: jslp.core
does not match convention: (^mw\..*\.core$|^mw.container.junit$)
GroupId: org.universAAL.thirdparty
does not match convention: ^org\.universAAL\.middleware
Artifact Name: universAAL Thirdparty jslp library (Core)
does not match convention: ^universAAL Middleware .* \(Core\)$

jslp.coreSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
jslp.coreSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
License File does not exist: ASL2.0.txt
License File does not exist: NOTICE.txt

The following Files seem not to have a proper License Header:
Make sure all your classes have an Apache Software Licence Header
see license at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
mw.container.xfaces.coreSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
mw.container.xfaces.coreSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
Artifact Name: universAAL Middleware Container JUnit
does not match convention: ^universAAL Middleware .* \(Core\)$

mw.container.junitSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
mw.container.junitSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
itests.pomSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
itests.pomSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
itests-rundirSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
itests-rundirSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
itests-confSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
itests-confSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
uaal-maven-pluginSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
uaal-maven-pluginSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
mw.pom.osgiSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
mw.pom.osgiSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
ArtifactId: mw.schemas
does not match convention: ^mw\..*(\.osgi)|(\.karaf)$
Artifact Name: universAAL Middleware XSD Schemas
does not match convention: ^universAAL Middleware .* (\(OSGi\))|(\(KARAF\))$

mw.schemasSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
mw.schemasSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
mw.interfaces.coreSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
mw.interfaces.coreSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
mw.connectors.api.coreSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
mw.connectors.api.coreSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
mw.brokers.api.coreSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
mw.brokers.api.coreSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
mw.modules.api.coreSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
mw.modules.api.coreSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
mw.modules.communication.coreSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
mw.modules.communication.coreSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
mw.connectors.communication.jgroups.coreSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
mw.connectors.communication.jgroups.coreSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
mw.managers.api.coreSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
mw.managers.api.coreSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
mw.brokers.control.coreSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
mw.brokers.control.coreSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
mw.modules.aalspace.coreSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
mw.modules.aalspace.coreSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
mw.connectors.discovery.slp.coreSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
mw.connectors.discovery.slp.coreSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
mw.managers.aalspace.coreSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
mw.managers.aalspace.coreSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
mw.managers.deploy.coreSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
mw.managers.deploy.coreSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
mw.data.representation.coreSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
mw.data.representation.coreSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
The following Files seem not to have a proper License Header:
Make sure all your classes have an Apache Software Licence Header
see license at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
mw.data.serialization.coreSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
mw.data.serialization.coreSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
mw.bus.model.coreSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
mw.bus.model.coreSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
mw.bus.context.coreSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
mw.bus.context.coreSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
mw.bus.service.coreSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
mw.bus.service.coreSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
mw.bus.ui.coreSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
mw.bus.ui.coreSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
mw.bus.tracker.coreSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
mw.bus.tracker.coreSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
mw.bus.service.aapi.coreSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
mw.bus.service.aapi.coreSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
ArtifactId: mw.bus.junit
does not match convention: (^mw\..*\.core$|^mw.container.junit$)
Artifact Name: universAAL Middleware Bus JUnit
does not match convention: ^universAAL Middleware .* \(Core\)$

mw.bus.junitSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
mw.bus.junitSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
ArtifactId: jslp.osgi
does not match convention: ^mw\..*(\.osgi)|(\.karaf)$
GroupId: org.universAAL.thirdparty
does not match convention: ^org\.universAAL\.middleware
Artifact Name: universAAL Thirdparty jslp library (OSGi)
does not match convention: ^universAAL Middleware .* (\(OSGi\))|(\(KARAF\))$

jslp.osgiSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
jslp.osgiSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
The following Files are not Container Decoupled:
To solve this problem, make sure there are no OSGi imports in your classes, unless the package that contains them has explicitly "osgi" in it's name.
License File does not exist: ASL2.0.txt
License File does not exist: NOTICE.txt

The following Files seem not to have a proper License Header:
Make sure all your classes have an Apache Software Licence Header
see license at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
mw.container.xfaces.osgiSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
mw.container.xfaces.osgiSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
itestsSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
itestsSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
The following Files are not Container Decoupled:
To solve this problem, make sure there are no OSGi imports in your classes, unless the package that contains them has explicitly "osgi" in it's name.
Artifact Name: universAAL Middleware OSGi Container
does not match convention: ^universAAL Middleware .* (\(OSGi\))|(\(KARAF\))$

mw.container.osgiSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
mw.container.osgiSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
mw.interfaces.osgiSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
mw.interfaces.osgiSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
mw.connectors.api.osgiSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
mw.connectors.api.osgiSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
mw.brokers.api.osgiSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
mw.brokers.api.osgiSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
mw.modules.api.osgiSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
mw.modules.api.osgiSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
mw.managers.api.osgiSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
mw.managers.api.osgiSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
mw.brokers.control.osgiSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
mw.brokers.control.osgiSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
mw.modules.aalspace.osgiSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
mw.modules.aalspace.osgiSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
mw.connectors.discovery.slp.osgiSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
mw.connectors.discovery.slp.osgiSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
mw.modules.communication.osgiSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
mw.modules.communication.osgiSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
mw.connectors.communication.jgroups.osgiSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
mw.connectors.communication.jgroups.osgiSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
mw.managers.aalspace.osgiSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
mw.managers.aalspace.osgiSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
mw.managers.deploy.osgiSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
mw.managers.deploy.osgiSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
mw.connectors.deploy.karaf.osgiSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
mw.connectors.deploy.karaf.osgiSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
The following Files are not Container Decoupled:
To solve this problem, make sure there are no OSGi imports in your classes, unless the package that contains them has explicitly "osgi" in it's name.
Artifact Name: universAAL Middleware Karaf Branding
does not match convention: ^universAAL Middleware .* (\(OSGi\))|(\(KARAF\))$

mw.karaf.branding.osgiSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
mw.karaf.branding.osgiSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
Artifact Name: universAAL Middleware Karaf Shell
does not match convention: ^universAAL Middleware .* (\(OSGi\))|(\(KARAF\))$

mw.karaf.shell.universAAL.osgiSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
mw.karaf.shell.universAAL.osgiSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
mw.data.representation.osgiSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
mw.data.representation.osgiSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
mw.bus.model.osgiSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
mw.bus.model.osgiSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
mw.data.serialization.osgiSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
mw.data.serialization.osgiSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
mw.bus.context.osgiSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
mw.bus.context.osgiSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
mw.bus.service.osgiSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
mw.bus.service.osgiSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
mw.bus.ui.osgiSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
mw.bus.ui.osgiSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
mw.bus.service.aapi.osgiSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
mw.bus.service.aapi.osgiSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
mw.bus.tracker.osgiSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
mw.bus.tracker.osgiSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
Artifact Name: universAAL Middleware Felix Shell
does not match convention: ^universAAL Middleware .* (\(OSGi\))|(\(KARAF\))$

mw.felix.shell.universAAL.osgiSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
mw.felix.shell.universAAL.osgiSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
The following Files are not Container Decoupled:
To solve this problem, make sure there are no OSGi imports in your classes, unless the package that contains them has explicitly "osgi" in it's name.
ArtifactId: mw.composite
does not match convention: ^mw\..*(\.osgi)|(\.karaf)$
Artifact Name: universAAL Middleware Suite Composite
does not match convention: ^universAAL Middleware .* (\(OSGi\))|(\(KARAF\))$

mw.compositeSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
mw.compositeSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
mw.pom.configSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
mw.pom.configSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
mw.managers.aalspace.core.configSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
mw.managers.aalspace.core.configSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
mw.connectors.communication.jgroups.core.configSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
mw.connectors.communication.jgroups.core.configSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
mw.connectors.discovery.slp.core.configSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
mw.connectors.discovery.slp.core.configSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
mw.managers.deploy.core.configSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
mw.managers.deploy.core.configSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
mw.modules.aalspace.core.configSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
mw.modules.aalspace.core.configSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
ArtifactId: mw.karaf.feature
does not match convention: ^mw\..*(\.osgi)|(\.karaf)$
Artifact Name: universAAL Karaf Feature Middleware
does not match convention: ^universAAL Middleware .* (\(OSGi\))|(\(KARAF\))$

mw.karaf.featureSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
mw.karaf.featureSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
ont.pomSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
ont.pomSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
ont.phWorldSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
ont.phWorldSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
ont.profileSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
ont.profileSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
ont.deviceSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
ont.deviceSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
ont.activityhubSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
ont.activityhubSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
ont.avSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
ont.avSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
ont.cheSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
ont.cheSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
ont.continuahealthmanagerSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
ont.continuahealthmanagerSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
ont.dependabilitySVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
ont.dependabilitySVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
ont.droolsSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
ont.droolsSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
ont.furnitureSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
ont.furnitureSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
ont.gesture.pointingSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
ont.gesture.pointingSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
ont.handgesturesSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
ont.handgesturesSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
ont.health.diseaseSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
ont.health.diseaseSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
ont.unitSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
ont.unitSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
ont.measurementSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
ont.measurementSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
ont.health.measurementSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
ont.health.measurementSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
ont.impairmentSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
ont.impairmentSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
ont.languagesSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
ont.languagesSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
ont.lightingSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
ont.lightingSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
ont.multimediaSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
ont.multimediaSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
ont.personalhealthdeviceSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
ont.personalhealthdeviceSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
ont.profile.contactSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
ont.profile.contactSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
ont.profile.healthSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
ont.profile.healthSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
ont.profile.ui.mainmenuSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
ont.profile.ui.mainmenuSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
ont.profile.ui.preferencesSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
ont.profile.ui.preferencesSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
ont.questionnaireSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
ont.questionnaireSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
ont.situation.reasonerSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
ont.situation.reasonerSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
ont.X73SVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
ont.X73SVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
ont.device.extraSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
ont.device.extraSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
ont.recommendationsSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
ont.recommendationsSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
ont.securitySVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
ont.securitySVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
ont.compositeSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
ont.compositeSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
ont.karaf.featureSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
ont.karaf.featureSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
ctxt.pomSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
ctxt.pomSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
ctxt.cheSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
ctxt.cheSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
The following Files are not Container Decoupled:
To solve this problem, make sure there are no OSGi imports in your classes, unless the package that contains them has explicitly "osgi" in it's name.
ctxt.che.mobileSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
ctxt.che.mobileSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
The following Files are not Container Decoupled:
To solve this problem, make sure there are no OSGi imports in your classes, unless the package that contains them has explicitly "osgi" in it's name.
sesame.uaal.storeSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
sesame.uaal.storeSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
The following Files seem not to have a proper License Header:
Make sure all your classes have an Apache Software Licence Header
see license at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
ctxt.che.module.cardinalitySVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
ctxt.che.module.cardinalitySVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
ctxt.situation.reasonerSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
ctxt.situation.reasonerSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
The following Files are not Container Decoupled:
To solve this problem, make sure there are no OSGi imports in your classes, unless the package that contains them has explicitly "osgi" in it's name.
ctxt.prof.serverSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
ctxt.prof.serverSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
ctxt.space.serverSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
ctxt.space.serverSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
The following Files are not Container Decoupled:
To solve this problem, make sure there are no OSGi imports in your classes, unless the package that contains them has explicitly "osgi" in it's name.
ctxt.reliability.reasonerSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
ctxt.reliability.reasonerSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
The following Files are not Container Decoupled:
To solve this problem, make sure there are no OSGi imports in your classes, unless the package that contains them has explicitly "osgi" in it's name.
ctxt.drools.reasonerSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
ctxt.drools.reasonerSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
The following Files are not Container Decoupled:
To solve this problem, make sure there are no OSGi imports in your classes, unless the package that contains them has explicitly "osgi" in it's name.
ctxt.karaf.featureSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
ctxt.karaf.featureSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
lddi.pomSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
lddi.pomSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
lddi.pom.commonSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
lddi.pom.commonSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
lddi.lib.ieeex73stdSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
lddi.lib.ieeex73stdSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
The following Files contain a main method:
There should not be any main method in a Library. Consider moving this code to a Junit Test.
lddi.pom.bluetoothSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
lddi.pom.bluetoothSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
lddi.bluetooth.continuahdpmanagerserviceSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
lddi.bluetooth.continuahdpmanagerserviceSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
The following Files are not Container Decoupled:
To solve this problem, make sure there are no OSGi imports in your classes, unless the package that contains them has explicitly "osgi" in it's name.
lddi.continuahdpmanager.caller.testSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
lddi.continuahdpmanager.caller.testSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
The following Files are not Container Decoupled:
To solve this problem, make sure there are no OSGi imports in your classes, unless the package that contains them has explicitly "osgi" in it's name.
lddi.continuahdpmanager.subscriber.testSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
lddi.continuahdpmanager.subscriber.testSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
The following Files are not Container Decoupled:
To solve this problem, make sure there are no OSGi imports in your classes, unless the package that contains them has explicitly "osgi" in it's name.
lddi.lib.activityhubSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
lddi.lib.activityhubSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
The following Files are not Container Decoupled:
To solve this problem, make sure there are no OSGi imports in your classes, unless the package that contains them has explicitly "osgi" in it's name.
lddi.exporter.activityhubSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
lddi.exporter.activityhubSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
The following Files are not Container Decoupled:
To solve this problem, make sure there are no OSGi imports in your classes, unless the package that contains them has explicitly "osgi" in it's name.
lddi.exporter.x73SVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
lddi.exporter.x73SVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
The following Files are not Container Decoupled:
To solve this problem, make sure there are no OSGi imports in your classes, unless the package that contains them has explicitly "osgi" in it's name.
lddi.pom.fs20SVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
lddi.pom.fs20SVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
lddi.fs20.connectorSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
lddi.fs20.connectorSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
The following Files are not Container Decoupled:
To solve this problem, make sure there are no OSGi imports in your classes, unless the package that contains them has explicitly "osgi" in it's name.
lddi.fs20.exporterSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
lddi.fs20.exporterSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
The following Files are not Container Decoupled:
To solve this problem, make sure there are no OSGi imports in your classes, unless the package that contains them has explicitly "osgi" in it's name.
lddi.pom.knxSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
lddi.pom.knxSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
lddi.knx.librarySVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
lddi.knx.librarySVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
The following Files are not Container Decoupled:
To solve this problem, make sure there are no OSGi imports in your classes, unless the package that contains them has explicitly "osgi" in it's name.
lddi.knx.networkdriverSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
lddi.knx.networkdriverSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
The following Files are not Container Decoupled:
To solve this problem, make sure there are no OSGi imports in your classes, unless the package that contains them has explicitly "osgi" in it's name.
lddi.knx.devicemanagerSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
lddi.knx.devicemanagerSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
The following Files are not Container Decoupled:
To solve this problem, make sure there are no OSGi imports in your classes, unless the package that contains them has explicitly "osgi" in it's name.
lddi.knx.exporterSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
lddi.knx.exporterSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
The following Files are not Container Decoupled:
To solve this problem, make sure there are no OSGi imports in your classes, unless the package that contains them has explicitly "osgi" in it's name.
lddi.knx.refinementdriver.dpt1.activityhubSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
lddi.knx.refinementdriver.dpt1.activityhubSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
The following Files are not Container Decoupled:
To solve this problem, make sure there are no OSGi imports in your classes, unless the package that contains them has explicitly "osgi" in it's name.
lddi.pom.configSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
lddi.pom.configSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
lddi.knx.devicemanager.configSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
lddi.knx.devicemanager.configSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
lddi.knx.networkdriver.configSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
lddi.knx.networkdriver.configSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
lddi.pom.zigbeeSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
lddi.pom.zigbeeSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
lddi.zigbee.commissioning.adapterSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
lddi.zigbee.commissioning.adapterSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
The following Files are not Container Decoupled:
To solve this problem, make sure there are no OSGi imports in your classes, unless the package that contains them has explicitly "osgi" in it's name.
lddi.zigbee.exporterSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
lddi.zigbee.exporterSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
The following Files are not Container Decoupled:
To solve this problem, make sure there are no OSGi imports in your classes, unless the package that contains them has explicitly "osgi" in it's name.
Artifact Name: universAAL LDDI Zwave Suite
does not match convention: ^universAAL LDDI ZWave .*

lddi.pom.zwaveSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
lddi.pom.zwaveSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
lddi.zwave.exporterSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
lddi.zwave.exporterSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
The following Files are not Container Decoupled:
To solve this problem, make sure there are no OSGi imports in your classes, unless the package that contains them has explicitly "osgi" in it's name.
lddi.compositeSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
lddi.compositeSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
lddi.karaf.featureSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
lddi.karaf.featureSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
security.pomSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
security.pomSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
security.authenticator.dummySVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
security.authenticator.dummySVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
security.authenticator.profileSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
security.authenticator.profileSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
security.authenticator.userPassword.clientSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
security.authenticator.userPassword.clientSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
security.session.managerSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
security.session.managerSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
security.karaf.featureSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
security.karaf.featureSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
ri.pomSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
ri.pomSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
ri.servicegatewaySVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
ri.servicegatewaySVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
The following Files are not Container Decoupled:
To solve this problem, make sure there are no OSGi imports in your classes, unless the package that contains them has explicitly "osgi" in it's name.
ri.internetgatewaySVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
ri.internetgatewaySVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
The following Files are not Container Decoupled:
To solve this problem, make sure there are no OSGi imports in your classes, unless the package that contains them has explicitly "osgi" in it's name.
ri.gateway.communicatorSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
ri.gateway.communicatorSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
The following Files are not Container Decoupled:
To solve this problem, make sure there are no OSGi imports in your classes, unless the package that contains them has explicitly "osgi" in it's name.
ri.soap.cxf.serviceSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
ri.soap.cxf.serviceSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
ri.soap.cxf.serverSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
ri.soap.cxf.serverSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
The following Files are not Container Decoupled:
To solve this problem, make sure there are no OSGi imports in your classes, unless the package that contains them has explicitly "osgi" in it's name.
ri.karaf.featureSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
ri.karaf.featureSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
Modules List Directive Fail :
It seems the POM does not list all the modules it should.
../resource.server, folder should be listed as a module?
ui.pomSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
ui.pomSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
ui.internationalization.utilSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
ui.internationalization.utilSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
ui.dmSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
ui.dmSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
ui.resource.serverSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
ui.resource.serverSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
The following Files are not Container Decoupled:
To solve this problem, make sure there are no OSGi imports in your classes, unless the package that contains them has explicitly "osgi" in it's name.
ui.handler.gui.swingSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
ui.handler.gui.swingSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
ui.handler.gui.swing.bluesteelLAFSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
ui.handler.gui.swing.bluesteelLAFSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
ui.handler.gui.swing.classicLAFSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
ui.handler.gui.swing.classicLAFSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
ui.handler.web.htmlSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
ui.handler.web.htmlSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
ui.handler.smsSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
ui.handler.smsSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
The following Files are not Container Decoupled:
To solve this problem, make sure there are no OSGi imports in your classes, unless the package that contains them has explicitly "osgi" in it's name.
ui.kinect.adapterSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
ui.kinect.adapterSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
ui.kinect.adapter.instanceSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
ui.kinect.adapter.instanceSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
The following Files are not Container Decoupled:
To solve this problem, make sure there are no OSGi imports in your classes, unless the package that contains them has explicitly "osgi" in it's name.
ui.karaf.featureSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
ui.karaf.featureSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
archetypes.pomSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
archetypes.pomSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
karaf.feature-archetypeSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
karaf.feature-archetypeSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
License File does not exist: ASL2.0.txt
License File does not exist: NOTICE.txt

module.osgi-archetypeSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
module.osgi-archetypeSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
License File does not exist: ASL2.0.txt
License File does not exist: NOTICE.txt

module.generic-archetypeSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
module.generic-archetypeSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
License File does not exist: ASL2.0.txt
License File does not exist: NOTICE.txt

pax.runner-archetypeSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
pax.runner-archetypeSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
License File does not exist: ASL2.0.txt
License File does not exist: NOTICE.txt

support.pomSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
support.pomSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
uAAL.utilsSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
uAAL.utilsSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
samples.pomSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
samples.pomSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
test.ctxt.busSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
test.ctxt.busSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
The following Files are not Container Decoupled:
To solve this problem, make sure there are no OSGi imports in your classes, unless the package that contains them has explicitly "osgi" in it's name.
test.ctxt.bus.mobiledroidSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
test.ctxt.bus.mobiledroidSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
The following Files are not Container Decoupled:
To solve this problem, make sure there are no OSGi imports in your classes, unless the package that contains them has explicitly "osgi" in it's name.
test.serv.busSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
test.serv.busSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
The following Files are not Container Decoupled:
To solve this problem, make sure there are no OSGi imports in your classes, unless the package that contains them has explicitly "osgi" in it's name.
test.serv.serverSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
test.serv.serverSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
The following Files are not Container Decoupled:
To solve this problem, make sure there are no OSGi imports in your classes, unless the package that contains them has explicitly "osgi" in it's name.
test.ui.busSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
test.ui.busSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
The following Files are not Container Decoupled:
To solve this problem, make sure there are no OSGi imports in your classes, unless the package that contains them has explicitly "osgi" in it's name.
smp.lighting.server.osgiSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
smp.lighting.server.osgiSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
The following Files are not Container Decoupled:
To solve this problem, make sure there are no OSGi imports in your classes, unless the package that contains them has explicitly "osgi" in it's name.
smp.lighting.client.osgiSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
smp.lighting.client.osgiSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
The following Files are not Container Decoupled:
To solve this problem, make sure there are no OSGi imports in your classes, unless the package that contains them has explicitly "osgi" in it's name.
smp.lighting.uiclient.osgiSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
smp.lighting.uiclient.osgiSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
Artifact Name: universAAL Samples Ontology Tutorial Example
does not match convention: ^universAAL Ontology .*

ont.tutorialSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
ont.tutorialSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
simple.uiSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
simple.uiSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
The following Files are not Container Decoupled:
To solve this problem, make sure there are no OSGi imports in your classes, unless the package that contains them has explicitly "osgi" in it's name.
smp.sensor.simulator.guiSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
smp.sensor.simulator.guiSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
The following Files are not Container Decoupled:
To solve this problem, make sure there are no OSGi imports in your classes, unless the package that contains them has explicitly "osgi" in it's name.
smp.activityhub.clientSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
smp.activityhub.clientSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
The following Files are not Container Decoupled:
To solve this problem, make sure there are no OSGi imports in your classes, unless the package that contains them has explicitly "osgi" in it's name.
smp.activityhub.simulatorSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
smp.activityhub.simulatorSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
The following Files are not Container Decoupled:
To solve this problem, make sure there are no OSGi imports in your classes, unless the package that contains them has explicitly "osgi" in it's name.
smp.device.clientSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
smp.device.clientSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
The following Files are not Container Decoupled:
To solve this problem, make sure there are no OSGi imports in your classes, unless the package that contains them has explicitly "osgi" in it's name.
smp.mw.broker.clientSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
smp.mw.broker.clientSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
The following Files seem not to have a proper License Header:
Make sure all your classes have an Apache Software Licence Header
see license at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
smp.mw.deploymanager.clientSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
smp.mw.deploymanager.clientSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
smp.utils.serverSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
smp.utils.serverSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
The following Files are not Container Decoupled:
To solve this problem, make sure there are no OSGi imports in your classes, unless the package that contains them has explicitly "osgi" in it's name.
smp.utils.clientSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
smp.utils.clientSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
The following Files are not Container Decoupled:
To solve this problem, make sure there are no OSGi imports in your classes, unless the package that contains them has explicitly "osgi" in it's name.
smp.utils.appSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
smp.utils.appSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
The following Files are not Container Decoupled:
To solve this problem, make sure there are no OSGi imports in your classes, unless the package that contains them has explicitly "osgi" in it's name.
smp.utils.miniSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
smp.utils.miniSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
The following Files are not Container Decoupled:
To solve this problem, make sure there are no OSGi imports in your classes, unless the package that contains them has explicitly "osgi" in it's name.
mw.karaf.feature.lighting-uAAL.osgiSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
mw.karaf.feature.lighting-uAAL.osgiSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
mw.karaf.feature.ping-pong.osgiSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
mw.karaf.feature.ping-pong.osgiSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
uAAL.karaf.featureSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
uAAL.karaf.featureSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
smp.mw.runnerSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
smp.mw.runnerSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
ont.lighting.simpleSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
ont.lighting.simpleSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
smp.lighting.server-regularSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
smp.lighting.server-regularSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
The following Files are not Container Decoupled:
To solve this problem, make sure there are no OSGi imports in your classes, unless the package that contains them has explicitly "osgi" in it's name.
smp.lighting.client-regularSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
smp.lighting.client-regularSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
The following Files are not Container Decoupled:
To solve this problem, make sure there are no OSGi imports in your classes, unless the package that contains them has explicitly "osgi" in it's name.
smp.lighting.server-simpleSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
smp.lighting.server-simpleSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
The following Files are not Container Decoupled:
To solve this problem, make sure there are no OSGi imports in your classes, unless the package that contains them has explicitly "osgi" in it's name.
smp.lighting.client-simpleSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
smp.lighting.client-simpleSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
The following Files are not Container Decoupled:
To solve this problem, make sure there are no OSGi imports in your classes, unless the package that contains them has explicitly "osgi" in it's name.
ri.gateway.samples.androidSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
ri.gateway.samples.androidSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
The following Files are not Container Decoupled:
To solve this problem, make sure there are no OSGi imports in your classes, unless the package that contains them has explicitly "osgi" in it's name.
ri.gateway.samples.homeSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
ri.gateway.samples.homeSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
The following Files are not Container Decoupled:
To solve this problem, make sure there are no OSGi imports in your classes, unless the package that contains them has explicitly "osgi" in it's name.
smp.ctxt.situation.reasoner.clientSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
smp.ctxt.situation.reasoner.clientSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
The following Files are not Container Decoupled:
To solve this problem, make sure there are no OSGi imports in your classes, unless the package that contains them has explicitly "osgi" in it's name.
smp.lddi.weighingScalePublisherSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
smp.lddi.weighingScalePublisherSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
The following Files are not Container Decoupled:
To solve this problem, make sure there are no OSGi imports in your classes, unless the package that contains them has explicitly "osgi" in it's name.
smp.lddi.ContinuaManagerClient.unixSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
smp.lddi.ContinuaManagerClient.unixSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
The following Files are not Container Decoupled:
To solve this problem, make sure there are no OSGi imports in your classes, unless the package that contains them has explicitly "osgi" in it's name.
smp.lddi.ContinuaManagerClient.windowsSVNCheckException during execution
Directory seems not to be a local SVN working copy.
smp.lddi.ContinuaManagerClient.windowsSVNIgnoreCheckException during execution
The following Files are not Container Decoupled:
To solve this problem, make sure there are no OSGi imports in your classes, unless the package that contains them has explicitly "osgi" in it's name.

0 out of 213 modules are compliant.