Checkstyle Results

The following document contains the results of Checkstylerss feed


FilesInfos InfosWarnings WarningsErrors Errors


  • allowLegacy: "true"
1Warnings Warning
NewlineAtEndOfFile1Infos Info
Translation0Infos Info
FileLength0Infos Info
  • eachLine: "false"
8Infos Info
  • message: "Line has trailing spaces."
  • format: "\s+$"
58Infos Info
JavadocMethod28Errors Error
JavadocType1Errors Error
JavadocVariable54Errors Error
JavadocStyle17Errors Error
ConstantName0Warnings Warning
LocalFinalVariableName0Warnings Warning
LocalVariableName44Warnings Warning
MemberName7Warnings Warning
MethodName0Warnings Warning
PackageName0Warnings Warning
ParameterName0Warnings Warning
StaticVariableName0Warnings Warning
TypeName0Warnings Warning
AvoidStarImport0Infos Info
IllegalImport0Infos Info
RedundantImport0Infos Info
UnusedImports0Infos Info
LineLength15Infos Info
MethodLength1Infos Info
ParameterNumber0Infos Info
EmptyForIteratorPad0Infos Info
MethodParamPad0Infos Info
NoWhitespaceAfter24Infos Info
NoWhitespaceBefore0Infos Info
OperatorWrap0Infos Info
ParenPad0Infos Info
TypecastParenPad0Infos Info
WhitespaceAfter24Infos Info
WhitespaceAround0Infos Info
ModifierOrder0Infos Info
RedundantModifier0Infos Info
AvoidNestedBlocks0Warnings Warning
EmptyBlock0Warnings Warning
LeftCurly0Warnings Warning
NeedBraces0Warnings Warning
RightCurly0Warnings Warning
AvoidInlineConditionals0Warnings Warning
DoubleCheckedLocking0Warnings Warning
EmptyStatement0Warnings Warning
EqualsHashCode0Warnings Warning
HiddenField7Warnings Warning
IllegalInstantiation0Warnings Warning
InnerAssignment0Warnings Warning
MagicNumber98Warnings Warning
MissingSwitchDefault0Warnings Warning
RedundantThrows0Warnings Warning
SimplifyBooleanExpression0Warnings Warning
SimplifyBooleanReturn0Warnings Warning
DesignForExtension10Errors Error
FinalClass0Errors Error
HideUtilityClassConstructor0Errors Error
InterfaceIsType0Errors Error
VisibilityModifier10Errors Error
ArrayTypeStyle0Infos Info
FinalParameters53Infos Info
TodoComment0Infos Info
UpperEll0Infos Info



WarningsMissing file.0
InfosLine has trailing spaces.4
InfosLine has trailing spaces.6
InfosLine has trailing spaces.10
InfosLine has trailing spaces.12
InfosLine has trailing spaces.32
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.35
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
ErrorsVariable 'lp' must be private and have accessor methods.39
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.40
ErrorsVariable 'frame' must be private and have accessor methods.40
InfosLine has trailing spaces.44
ErrorsMethod 'start' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.49
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.49
InfosParameter bcontext should be final.49
InfosFile contains tab characters (this is the first instance).51
Infos'{' is followed by whitespace.52
Warnings'lp' hides a field.57
InfosLine is longer than 80 characters.60
InfosLine is longer than 80 characters.62
InfosLine is longer than 80 characters.65
Warnings'frame' hides a field.68
InfosLine is longer than 80 characters.83
Infos'{' is followed by whitespace.83
InfosLine has trailing spaces.89
ErrorsMethod 'stop' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.93
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.93
InfosParameter context should be final.93
InfosLine is longer than 80 characters.99
Infos'{' is followed by whitespace.99


InfosLine has trailing spaces.4
InfosLine has trailing spaces.6
InfosLine has trailing spaces.10
InfosLine has trailing spaces.12
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.26
InfosLine has trailing spaces.28
InfosLine has trailing spaces.29
InfosLine is longer than 80 characters.33
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.33
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.35
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.39
InfosLine has trailing spaces.41
ErrorsMethod 'insertLightSource' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.45
InfosParameter uri should be final.45
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'uri'.45
InfosParameter lightSource should be final.45
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'lightSource'.45
InfosFile contains tab characters (this is the first instance).46
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.50
InfosLine has trailing spaces.52
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.56
ErrorsMethod 'getLightSource' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.56
InfosParameter uri should be final.56
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'uri'.56


InfosLine has trailing spaces.4
InfosLine has trailing spaces.6
InfosLine has trailing spaces.10
InfosLine has trailing spaces.12
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.39
InfosLine has trailing spaces.41
InfosLine has trailing spaces.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.46
ErrorsVariable 'lampMap' must be private and have accessor methods.46
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.48
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.50
InfosFile contains tab characters (this is the first instance).51
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.52
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.54
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.56
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.58
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.61
ErrorsVariable 'myContextPublisher' must be private and have accessor methods.61
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.62
ErrorsVariable 'myModuleContext' must be private and have accessor methods.62
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.64
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.65
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.67
InfosLine has trailing spaces.72
InfosParameter context should be final.75
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'context'.75
InfosLine is longer than 80 characters.112
Infos'{' is followed by whitespace.112
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.121
InfosLine has trailing spaces.125
ErrorsMethod 'publishContextEvent' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.128
InfosParameter lightSource should be final.128
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'lightSource'.128
Warnings'100' is a magic number.131
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.142
InfosLine has trailing spaces.144
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.147
ErrorsMethod 'getLampMap' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.147
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.151
InfosLine has trailing spaces.154
ErrorsMethod 'changeLabelBackground' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.158
InfosParameter label should be final.158
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'label'.158
InfosParameter lightSource should be final.158
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'lightSource'.158
Warnings'100' is a magic number.160
Warnings'255' is a magic number.162
Warnings'255' is a magic number.162
Warnings'255' is a magic number.162
Warnings'255' is a magic number.168
Warnings'255' is a magic number.168
Warnings'255' is a magic number.168


InfosLine has trailing spaces.4
InfosLine has trailing spaces.6
InfosLine has trailing spaces.10
InfosLine has trailing spaces.12
InfosLine has trailing spaces.38
InfosLine is longer than 80 characters.41
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.41
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.43
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.44
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.45
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.46
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.48
ErrorsVariable 'cp' must be private and have accessor methods.48
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.49
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.51
InfosFile contains tab characters (this is the first instance).52
Infos'{' is followed by whitespace.59
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.62
InfosParameter moduleContext should be final.62
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.74
InfosLine has trailing spaces.76
InfosLine has trailing spaces.78
ErrorsMethod 'publishLocation' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.82
InfosParameter typeOfUser should be final.82
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'typeOfUser'.82
InfosParameter userUri should be final.82
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'userUri'.82
InfosParameter locationUri should be final.83
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'locationUri'.83
Infos'{' is followed by whitespace.106


InfosLine has trailing spaces.4
InfosLine has trailing spaces.6
InfosLine has trailing spaces.10
InfosLine has trailing spaces.12
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.32
InfosLine has trailing spaces.34
InfosLine has trailing spaces.35
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.41
InfosFile contains tab characters (this is the first instance).42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.44
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.47
ErrorsVariable 'myContextPublisher' must be private and have accessor methods.47
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.48
ErrorsVariable 'myModuleContext' must be private and have accessor methods.48
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.50
InfosLine has trailing spaces.53
InfosParameter context should be final.56
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'context'.56
InfosLine is longer than 80 characters.73
Infos'{' is followed by whitespace.73
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.81
InfosLine has trailing spaces.84
ErrorsMethod 'publishContextEvent' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.87
InfosParameter humiditySensor should be final.87
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'humiditySensor'.87
InfosLine is longer than 80 characters.94


InfosLine has trailing spaces.4
InfosLine has trailing spaces.6
InfosLine has trailing spaces.10
InfosLine has trailing spaces.12
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.32
InfosLine has trailing spaces.34
InfosLine has trailing spaces.35
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.41
InfosFile contains tab characters (this is the first instance).42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.43
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.45
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.47
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.49
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.52
ErrorsVariable 'myContextPublisher' must be private and have accessor methods.52
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.53
ErrorsVariable 'myModuleContext' must be private and have accessor methods.53
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.55
InfosLine has trailing spaces.58
InfosParameter context should be final.61
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'context'.61
InfosLine is longer than 80 characters.78
Infos'{' is followed by whitespace.78
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.86
InfosLine has trailing spaces.88
ErrorsMethod 'publishContextEvent' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.91
InfosParameter temperatureSensor should be final.91
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'temperatureSensor'.91


InfosLine has trailing spaces.4
InfosLine has trailing spaces.6
InfosLine has trailing spaces.10
InfosLine has trailing spaces.12
InfosLine has trailing spaces.64
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.68
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.69
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.70
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.71
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.72
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.73
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.75
WarningsName 'USER_NAMESPACE' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.75
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.76
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.77
InfosLine is longer than 80 characters.79
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.79
WarningsName 'LOCATION_NAMESPACE' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.79
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.80
WarningsName 'SLEEPING_ROOM' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.80
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.81
WarningsName 'BATHROOM' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.81
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.82
WarningsName 'HOBBY_ROOM' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.82
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.83
WarningsName 'LIVING_ROOM' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.83
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.84
WarningsName 'KITCHEN' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.84
InfosParameter lp should be final.89
Warnings'lp' hides a field.89
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'lp'.89
InfosFile contains tab characters (this is the first instance).90
InfosParameter lampStatePublisher should be final.90
Warnings'lampStatePublisher' hides a field.90
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'lampStatePublisher'.90
InfosParameter roomTemperaturePublisher should be final.91
Warnings'roomTemperaturePublisher' hides a field.91
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'roomTemperaturePublisher'.91
InfosParameter roomHumidityPublisher should be final.92
Warnings'roomHumidityPublisher' hides a field.92
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'roomHumidityPublisher'.92
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.101
InfosLine has trailing spaces.105
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.108
InfosLine is longer than 80 characters.121
InfosMethod length is 738 lines (max allowed is 150).133
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.133
Warnings'100' is a magic number.136
Warnings'100' is a magic number.136
Warnings'829' is a magic number.136
Warnings'573' is a magic number.136
WarningsName 'gbl_contentPane' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.139
Infos'{' is followed by whitespace.140
Warnings'797' is a magic number.140
Infos'{' is followed by whitespace.141
Warnings'700' is a magic number.141
Infos'{' is followed by whitespace.142
Infos'{' is followed by whitespace.143
WarningsName 'gbc_tabbedPane' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.147
WarningsName 'panel_2' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.153
Warnings'5' is a magic number.155
InfosParameter e should be final.169
InfosLine is longer than 80 characters.177
Warnings'255' is a magic number.192
Warnings'255' is a magic number.192
Warnings'255' is a magic number.192
Warnings'255' is a magic number.195
Warnings'255' is a magic number.195
Warnings'255' is a magic number.195
InfosParameter e should be final.199
InfosLine is longer than 80 characters.203
Warnings'255' is a magic number.221
Warnings'255' is a magic number.221
Warnings'255' is a magic number.221
InfosParameter e should be final.225
Warnings'255' is a magic number.245
Warnings'255' is a magic number.245
Warnings'255' is a magic number.245
InfosParameter e should be final.249
Warnings'255' is a magic number.263
Warnings'255' is a magic number.263
Warnings'255' is a magic number.263
InfosParameter e should be final.267
WarningsName 'panel_5' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.280
Warnings'5' is a magic number.282
WarningsName 'panel_10' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.284
WarningsName 'panel_9' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.291
Warnings'5' is a magic number.293
Warnings'5' is a magic number.293
Warnings'24' is a magic number.296
Warnings'55' is a magic number.298
Warnings'-20' is a magic number.299
InfosParameter e should be final.310
InfosParameter e should be final.318
WarningsName 'panel_11' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.330
WarningsName 'panel_12' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.337
Warnings'5' is a magic number.339
Warnings'5' is a magic number.339
Warnings'24' is a magic number.344
Warnings'-20' is a magic number.345
Warnings'55' is a magic number.346
InfosParameter e should be final.356
InfosParameter e should be final.364
WarningsName 'panel_13' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.376
WarningsName 'panel_14' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.383
Warnings'5' is a magic number.385
Warnings'5' is a magic number.385
Warnings'24' is a magic number.389
Warnings'-20' is a magic number.391
Warnings'55' is a magic number.392
InfosParameter e should be final.401
InfosParameter e should be final.409
WarningsName 'panel_15' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.421
WarningsName 'panel_16' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.428
Warnings'5' is a magic number.430
Warnings'5' is a magic number.430
Warnings'24' is a magic number.433
Warnings'-20' is a magic number.435
Warnings'55' is a magic number.436
InfosParameter e should be final.444
InfosParameter e should be final.452
WarningsName 'panel_17' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.464
WarningsName 'panel_18' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.471
Warnings'5' is a magic number.473
Warnings'5' is a magic number.473
Warnings'24' is a magic number.476
Warnings'-20' is a magic number.478
Warnings'55' is a magic number.479
InfosParameter e should be final.487
InfosParameter e should be final.495
WarningsName 'panel_8' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.507
WarningsName 'panel_7' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.512
WarningsName 'panel_6' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.519
Warnings'50' is a magic number.523
Warnings'100' is a magic number.526
InfosParameter e should be final.533
InfosParameter e should be final.544
WarningsName 'panel_19' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.556
WarningsName 'panel_20' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.561
Warnings'50' is a magic number.565
Warnings'100' is a magic number.568
InfosParameter e should be final.575
InfosParameter e should be final.586
Warnings'3' is a magic number.600
WarningsName 'panel_1' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.602
WarningsName 'gbl_panel_1' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.604
Infos'{' is followed by whitespace.605
Warnings'31' is a magic number.605
Warnings'29' is a magic number.605
Warnings'254' is a magic number.605
Warnings'279' is a magic number.605
Infos'{' is followed by whitespace.606
Warnings'20' is a magic number.606
Infos'{' is followed by whitespace.607
Infos'{' is followed by whitespace.609
WarningsName 'gbc_rdbtnDefaultUser' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.617
Warnings'5' is a magic number.619
Warnings'3' is a magic number.620
WarningsName 'gbc_lbljustName' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.625
Warnings'5' is a magic number.627
Warnings'5' is a magic number.627
WarningsName 'gbc_formattedTextField' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.634
Warnings'5' is a magic number.635
Warnings'5' is a magic number.635
WarningsName 'gbc_rdbtnAssistedPerson' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.645
Warnings'5' is a magic number.647
Warnings'3' is a magic number.648
WarningsName 'gbc_rdbtnCaregiver' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.655
Warnings'5' is a magic number.656
Warnings'3' is a magic number.658
WarningsName 'gbc_labelCreatedUser' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.666
Warnings'5' is a magic number.668
Warnings'3' is a magic number.670
InfosParameter e should be final.675
InfosParameter e should be final.679
InfosParameter e should be final.686
WarningsName 'panel_3' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.691
WarningsName 'gbl_panel_3' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.702
Infos'{' is followed by whitespace.703
Warnings'398' is a magic number.703
Warnings'398' is a magic number.703
Infos'{' is followed by whitespace.704
Warnings'29' is a magic number.704
Warnings'116' is a magic number.704
Infos'{' is followed by whitespace.705
Infos'{' is followed by whitespace.706
WarningsName 'gbc_lblNewLabel' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.711
Warnings'5' is a magic number.714
Warnings'5' is a magic number.714
WarningsName 'panel_4' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.719
WarningsName 'gbc_panel_4' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.720
Warnings'5' is a magic number.722
InfosParameter e should be final.730
WarningsName 'button_1' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.738
InfosParameter e should be final.740
WarningsName 'panel_21' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.748
WarningsName 'gbc_panel_21' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.749
Warnings'3' is a magic number.754
WarningsName 'button_2' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.756
InfosParameter e should be final.758
WarningsName 'button_3' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.766
InfosParameter e should be final.768
WarningsName 'button_4' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.776
InfosParameter e should be final.778
WarningsName 'panel_22' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.786
WarningsName 'gbl_panel_22' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.788
Infos'{' is followed by whitespace.789
Warnings'114' is a magic number.789
Warnings'527' is a magic number.789
Infos'{' is followed by whitespace.790
Warnings'42' is a magic number.790
Warnings'54' is a magic number.790
Infos'{' is followed by whitespace.791
Infos'{' is followed by whitespace.793
WarningsName 'gbc_lblUserLocation' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.798
Warnings'5' is a magic number.800
Warnings'5' is a magic number.800
WarningsName 'gbc_textFieldUserLocation' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.807
Warnings'5' is a magic number.809
Warnings'5' is a magic number.809
Warnings'10' is a magic number.813
WarningsName 'gbc_btnSendLocation' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.818
Warnings'5' is a magic number.819
InfosParameter e should be final.829
InfosParameter e should be final.833
InfosParameter e should be final.845
InfosParameter e should be final.852
WarningsName 'gbc_lblLocationUri' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.862
Warnings'3' is a magic number.863
Warnings'5' is a magic number.864


InfosFile does not end with a newline.0
InfosLine has trailing spaces.4
InfosLine has trailing spaces.6
InfosLine has trailing spaces.10
InfosLine has trailing spaces.12
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
InfosParameter userType should be final.28
Warnings'userType' hides a field.28
InfosFile contains tab characters (this is the first instance).30