Uses of Interface

Packages that use ServiceLocationEnumeration
ch.ethz.iks.slp The user interface of the SLP framework. 
ch.ethz.iks.slp.impl This package contains all the implementation classes of jSLP. 

Uses of ServiceLocationEnumeration in ch.ethz.iks.slp

Methods in ch.ethz.iks.slp that return ServiceLocationEnumeration
 ServiceLocationEnumeration Locator.findAttributes(ServiceType type, List scopes, List attributeIds)
          Find all services that match a ServiceType.
 ServiceLocationEnumeration Locator.findAttributes(ServiceURL url, List scopes, List attributeIds)
          Find all services that match a ServiceURL.
 ServiceLocationEnumeration Locator.findServices(ServiceType type, List scopes, String searchFilter)
          Find all services that match a certain service type.
 ServiceLocationEnumeration Locator.findServiceTypes(String namingAuthority, List scopes)
          Find all services types that are currently registered in the network.

Uses of ServiceLocationEnumeration in ch.ethz.iks.slp.impl

Methods in ch.ethz.iks.slp.impl that return ServiceLocationEnumeration
 ServiceLocationEnumeration LocatorImpl.findAttributes(ServiceType type, List scopes, List attributeIds)
          find attributes by service type.
 ServiceLocationEnumeration LocatorImpl.findAttributes(ServiceURL url, List scopes, List attributeIds)
          find attributes by service URL.
 ServiceLocationEnumeration LocatorImpl.findServices(ServiceType type, List scopes, String searchFilter)
          find services.
 ServiceLocationEnumeration LocatorImpl.findServiceTypes(String namingAuthority, List scopes)
          find the service types.

Uses of ServiceLocationEnumeration in org.universAAL.middleware.connectors.discovery.slp

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.connectors.discovery.slp with parameters of type ServiceLocationEnumeration
protected static Dictionary SLPDiscoveryConnector.unmarshalServiceAttributes(ServiceLocationEnumeration attributes)
          This method converts the list of attributes as a Dictionary of properties.

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