Package org.universAAL.hw.exporter.zigbee.ha.devices.listeners

Package class diagram package org.universAAL.hw.exporter.zigbee.ha.devices.listeners
Class Summary
DimmerLightListener OSGi Service Listener that looks for a specific service published by the abstraction layer and creates and updates the appropriate exporter callee.
IASZoneListener OSGi Service Listener that looks for a specific service published by the abstraction layer and creates and updates the appropriate exporter callee.
OccupancySensorListener OSGi Service Listener that looks for a specific service published by the abstraction layer and creates and updates the appropriate exporter callee.
OnOffLightListener OSGi Service Listener that looks for a specific service published by the abstraction layer and creates and updates the appropriate exporter callee.
PresenceDetectorListener OSGi Service Listener that looks for a specific service published by the abstraction layer and creates and updates the appropriate exporter callee.
TemperatureSensorListener OSGi Service Listener that looks for a specific service published by the abstraction layer and creates and updates the appropriate exporter callee.

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