Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractService

Uses of AbstractService in org.universAAL.kinect.adapter.defaultComponents

Methods in org.universAAL.kinect.adapter.defaultComponents with parameters of type AbstractService
 Collection<?> DefaultAdapter.callservice(AbstractService ao)

Uses of AbstractService in org.universAAL.kinect.adapter.serviceBus

Subclasses of AbstractService in org.universAAL.kinect.adapter.serviceBus
 class QueryService
          This class represents a service call where there could be return value, so ServiceResponse processing is needed after a ServiceCall
 class RequestService
          This class represents a service call where there is no return value so NO ServiceResponse processing is needed after a ServiceCall

Methods in org.universAAL.kinect.adapter.serviceBus with parameters of type AbstractService
 Collection<?> IServiceCall.callservice(AbstractService ao)
          Calls a service

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