Package org.universAAL.lddi.exporter.activityhub.driver

Package class diagram package org.universAAL.lddi.exporter.activityhub.driver
Class Summary
Iso11073ContactClosureSensorDriver This Driver class manages driver instances for ContactClosure devices.
Iso11073ContactClosureSensorInstance Working instance of the ActivityHub ContactClosure driver.
Iso11073MotionSensorDriver This Driver class manages driver instances for MotionSensor devices.
Iso11073MotionSensorInstance Working instance of the ActivityHub MotionSensor driver.
Iso11073SwitchSensorDriver This Driver class manages driver instances for SwitchSensor devices.
Iso11073SwitchSensorInstance Working instance of the ActivityHub SwitchSensor driver.
Iso11073UsageSensorDriver This Driver class manages driver instances for UsageSensor devices.
Iso11073UsageSensorInstance Working instance of the ActivityHub UsageSensor driver.

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