Package org.universAAL.lddi.fs20.devicemodel

Package class diagram package org.universAAL.lddi.fs20.devicemodel
Class Summary
FS20Device One FS20 Device with all additional properties.
FS20DeviceProperties Object to describe all FS20 device properties
FS20FMSDevice Representation of a FS20FMS device (Detects if a plugged in device is on or off)
FS20PIRxDevice Representation of a FS20PIRx device (Motionsensor)
FS20RGBSADevice Representation of an FS20RGB-SA display device Annotation: 12 different views are equipped, more a possible
FS20SIGDevice Representation of a FS20SIG device (acoustic signal actuator)
FS20STDevice Representation of a FS20ST device (switch actuator)

Enum Summary
FS20DeviceTypes Integrated FS20 device types

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