Package org.universAAL.lddi.knx.groupdevicemodel

Package class diagram package org.universAAL.lddi.knx.groupdevicemodel
Class Summary
KnxDpt1GroupDevice Concrete implementation of KNX group devices for KNX data type 1.***.
KnxDpt2GroupDevice Concrete implementation of KNX group devices for KNX data type 2.***.
KnxDpt3GroupDevice Concrete implementation of KNX group devices for KNX data type 3.***.
KnxDpt4GroupDevice Concrete implementation of KNX group devices for KNX data type 4.***.
KnxDpt5GroupDevice Concrete implementation of KNX group devices for KNX data type 5.***.
KnxDpt9GroupDevice Concrete implementation of KNX group devices for KNX data type 9.***.
KnxGroupDevice One KNX group groupDevice represents one groupAddress (with additional properties) from ETS4 XML export.
KnxGroupDeviceFactory Factory for KNX group devices for each data point type.

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