Uses of Class

Packages that use KnxDriver

Uses of KnxDriver in org.universAAL.lddi.knx.driver

Subclasses of KnxDriver in org.universAAL.lddi.knx.driver
 class KnxDpt1Instance
          Working instance of the IKnxDpt1 driver.
 class KnxDpt3Instance
          Working instance of the IKnxDpt3 driver.
 class KnxDpt5Instance
          Working instance of the IKnxDpt5 driver.
 class KnxDpt9Instance
          Working instance of the IKnxDpt9 driver.

Uses of KnxDriver in org.universAAL.lddi.knx.exporter

Methods in org.universAAL.lddi.knx.exporter that return types with arguments of type KnxDriver
 Map<String,KnxDriver> KnxManager.getDriverList()

Methods in org.universAAL.lddi.knx.exporter with parameters of type KnxDriver
 void KnxManager.addDriver(String groupDeviceId, KnxGroupDeviceCategoryUtil.KnxGroupDeviceCategory knxGroupDeviceCategory, KnxDriver knxDriver)
          couple KNX driver to upper layer
 void KnxManager.removeDriver(String groupDeviceId, KnxDriver knxDriver)

Uses of KnxDriver in org.universAAL.lddi.knx.interfaces

Methods in org.universAAL.lddi.knx.interfaces with parameters of type KnxDriver
 void IKnxDriverClient.addDriver(String groupDeviceId, KnxGroupDeviceCategoryUtil.KnxGroupDeviceCategory groupDeviceCategory, KnxDriver knxDriver)
          couple KNX driver to upper layer
 void IKnxDriverClient.removeDriver(String groupDeviceId, KnxDriver knxDriver)

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