Package org.universAAL.lddi.lib.activityhub.devicecategory

Package class diagram package org.universAAL.lddi.lib.activityhub.devicecategory
Interface Summary
Iso11073ContactClosureSensor OSGi DeviceCategory for Activityhub ContactClosure sensor In general DeviceCategories specify: - rules and interfaces needed for the communication between device service and driver service.
Iso11073CoSensor OSGi DeviceCategory for Activityhub Co sensor In general DeviceCategories specify: - rules and interfaces needed for the communication between device service and driver service.
Iso11073EnuresisSensor OSGi DeviceCategory for Activityhub Enuresis sensor In general DeviceCategories specify: - rules and interfaces needed for the communication between device service and driver service.
Iso11073FallSensor OSGi DeviceCategory for Activityhub Fall sensor In general DeviceCategories specify: - rules and interfaces needed for the communication between device service and driver service.
Iso11073GasSensor OSGi DeviceCategory for Activityhub Gas sensor In general DeviceCategories specify: - rules and interfaces needed for the communication between device service and driver service.
Iso11073MedicationDosageSensor OSGi DeviceCategory for Activityhub MedicationDosage sensor In general DeviceCategories specify: - rules and interfaces needed for the communication between device service and driver service.
Iso11073MotionSensor OSGi DeviceCategory for Activityhub motion sensor In general DeviceCategories specify: - rules and interfaces needed for the communication between device service and driver service.
Iso11073PersSensor OSGi DeviceCategory for Activityhub Pers sensor In general DeviceCategories specify: - rules and interfaces needed for the communication between device service and driver service.
Iso11073PropertyExitSensor OSGi DeviceCategory for Activityhub PropertyExit sensor In general DeviceCategories specify: - rules and interfaces needed for the communication between device service and driver service.
Iso11073SmokeSensor OSGi DeviceCategory for Activityhub Smoke sensor In general DeviceCategories specify: - rules and interfaces needed for the communication between device service and driver service.
Iso11073SwitchSensor OSGi DeviceCategory for Activityhub switch sensor In general DeviceCategories specify: - rules and interfaces needed for the communication between device service and driver service.
Iso11073TemperatureSensor OSGi DeviceCategory for Activityhub Temperature sensor In general DeviceCategories specify: - rules and interfaces needed for the communication between device service and driver service.
Iso11073UsageSensor OSGi DeviceCategory for Activityhub Usage sensor In general DeviceCategories specify: - rules and interfaces needed for the communication between device service and driver service.
Iso11073WaterSensor OSGi DeviceCategory for Activityhub Water sensor In general DeviceCategories specify: - rules and interfaces needed for the communication between device service and driver service.

Class Summary
ActivityHubDeviceCategoryUtil Definition of device categories from ISO 11073-10471 Nomenclature plus util mehtods.

Enum Summary
ActivityHubDeviceCategoryUtil.ActivityHubDeviceCategory device category format from ISO 11073-10471 Nomenclature

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