Uses of Class

Packages that use InvokeIDType

Uses of InvokeIDType in org.universAAL.lddi.lib.ieeex73std.manager.apdu

Methods in org.universAAL.lddi.lib.ieeex73std.manager.apdu with parameters of type InvokeIDType
 ApduType APDUGenerator.extConfigResponsegenerator(InvokeIDType invoke_id, ConfigReportRsp resp)
          Generate the response to a configuration report from the Agent.
 ApduType APDUGenerator.RoerGenerator(InvokeIDType invokeid, int err_code)
          Something was wrong processing the Apdu from the Agent, and we will send an Error.
 ApduType APDUGenerator.RorjGenerator(InvokeIDType invokeid, int err_code)
          Some APDU is not acceptable and we send a reject message

Uses of InvokeIDType in org.universAAL.lddi.lib.ieeex73std.x73.p20601

Methods in org.universAAL.lddi.lib.ieeex73std.x73.p20601 that return InvokeIDType
 InvokeIDType DataApdu.getInvoke_id()

Methods in org.universAAL.lddi.lib.ieeex73std.x73.p20601 with parameters of type InvokeIDType
 void DataApdu.setInvoke_id(InvokeIDType value)

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