Package org.universAAL.middleware.api.annotation

Package class diagram package org.universAAL.middleware.api.annotation
Enum Summary

Annotation Types Summary
ChangeEffect Annotation used for generating ServiceProfile.
ChangeEffects Annotation used for aggregating @ChangeEffect annotation For each of such annotation a separate addChangeEffect call is made on SimpleAPIService.
Input Annotation used for generating ServiceProfile.
OntologyClasses Annotation which is used for Ontology registering.
Output Annotation used for generating ServiceProfile.
Outputs Annotation used for aggregating @Output annotation For each of such annotation a separate addChangeEffect call is made on SimpleAPIService.
Restriction Not yet supported.
Restrictions Not yet supported.
ServiceOperation Annotation which marks method as UniversAAL service.
UniversAALService Annotation which marks interface as UniversAALService.

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