Interface LogListener

Package class diagram package LogListener

public interface LogListener

Listener interface for new log entries. The log listeners are called automatically when adding a log entry to LogUtils. To use this method, create a class (e.g. LogMonitor) that implements this interface and register the OSGi service, i.e.:

 context.registerService(new String[] { LogListener.class.getName() },
        new LogMonitor(), null);

Carsten Stockloew

Field Summary
static int LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG
static int LOG_LEVEL_ERROR
static int LOG_LEVEL_INFO
static int LOG_LEVEL_TRACE
static int LOG_LEVEL_WARN
Method Summary
 void log(int logLevel, String module, String pkg, String cls, String method, Object[] msgPart, Throwable t)
          Log a new message.

Field Detail


static final int LOG_LEVEL_TRACE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int LOG_LEVEL_INFO
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int LOG_LEVEL_WARN
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int LOG_LEVEL_ERROR
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


void log(int logLevel,
         String module,
         String pkg,
         String cls,
         String method,
         Object[] msgPart,
         Throwable t)
Log a new message.

logLevel - the log level (trace, debug, info, warn, or error)
module - the name of the module that contains the class that intends to generate the log message
pkg - the name of the package that contains the class that intends to generate the log message
cls - the name of the class that intends to generate the log message
method - The name of the method in the above Java class that intends to generate the log message
msgPart - An array of strings and other objects that should be concatenated using String.valueOf(Object) in order to construct the log message
t - An optional Throwable object like an exception that might have caused the log request

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