Uses of Class

Packages that use ContextProviderType
org.universAAL.middleware.context.owl Contains low level helper classes to deal with Context concepts of universAAL. Contains normal helper classes to deal with Context concepts of universAAL. 

Uses of ContextProviderType in org.universAAL.middleware.context.owl

Fields in org.universAAL.middleware.context.owl declared as ContextProviderType
static ContextProviderType ContextProviderType.controller
          The type of a controller as an instance of this class.
static ContextProviderType ContextProviderType.gauge
          The type of a gauge as an instance of this class.
static ContextProviderType ContextProviderType.reasoner
          The type of a reasoner as an instance of this class.

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.context.owl that return ContextProviderType
static ContextProviderType ContextProviderType.getProviderByOrder(int order)
 ContextProviderType ContextProvider.getProviderType()
static ContextProviderType ContextProviderType.valueOf(String name)

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.context.owl with parameters of type ContextProviderType
 boolean ContextProvider.setType(ContextProviderType type)
          Set the type of this ContextProvider to one of those defined in ContextProviderType.

Uses of ContextProviderType in

Constructors in with parameters of type ContextProviderType
Provider(String uri, ContextProviderType type)
          Simple constructor to create a Context Provider of a given type with no restrictions on the provided events.
Provider(String uri, ContextProviderType type, ContextEventPattern[] events)
          Simple constructor to create a Context Provider of a given type with the given restrictions on the provided events.
Provider(String uri, ContextProviderType type, ManagedIndividual subj, String predicate, String objTypeURI)
          Simple constructor to create a Context Provider of a given type with the given restrictions on the subject, the predicate, and the object of the provided events.
Provider(String uri, ContextProviderType type, String subjTypeURI, String predicate, String objTypeURI)
          Simple constructor to create a Context Provider of a given type with the given restrictions on the subject, the predicate, and the object of the provided events.

Uses of ContextProviderType in

Constructors in with parameters of type ContextProviderType
UtilPublisher(ModuleContext context, String uri, ContextProviderType type)
          Create a simple Context Publisher of the given type which provided events can be of any type and is identified with the given URI.
UtilPublisher(ModuleContext context, String uri, ContextProviderType type, ContextEventPattern[] pattern)
          Create a simple Context Publisher of the given type which provided events are described by a pattern and is identified with the given URI.
UtilPublisher(ModuleContext context, String uri, ContextProviderType type, ManagedIndividual sub, String predicate, String objTypeURI)
          Create a simple Context Publisher of the given type which provided events are described by the arguments and is identified with the given URI.
UtilPublisher(ModuleContext context, String uri, ContextProviderType type, String subjTypeURI, String predicate, String objTypeURI)
          Create a simple Context Publisher of the given type which provided events are described by the arguments and is identified with the given URI.

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