Uses of Class

Packages that use Part

Uses of Part in org.universAAL.middleware.deploymanager.uapp.model

Fields in org.universAAL.middleware.deploymanager.uapp.model with type parameters of type Part
protected  List<Part> AalUapp.ApplicationPart.part

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.deploymanager.uapp.model that return Part
 Part ObjectFactory.createPart()
          Create an instance of Part

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.deploymanager.uapp.model that return types with arguments of type Part
 List<Part> AalUapp.ApplicationPart.getPart()
          Gets the value of the part property.

Uses of Part in org.universAAL.middleware.managers.api

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.managers.api that return types with arguments of type Part
 Map<PeerCard,List<Part>> UAPPPackage.getDeploy()

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.managers.api with parameters of type Part
 InstallationResults InstallationResultsDetails.getDetailedResult(PeerCard peer, Part part)
 void InstallationResultsDetails.setDetailedResult(PeerCard peer, Part part, InstallationResults result)

Constructor parameters in org.universAAL.middleware.managers.api with type arguments of type Part
UAPPPackage(String serviceId, String id, URI folder, Map<PeerCard,List<Part>> layout)

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