Uses of Class

Packages that use UAPPCard

Uses of UAPPCard in org.universAAL.middleware.brokers.control

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.brokers.control with parameters of type UAPPCard
 void ControlBroker.notifyRequestToInstallPart(UAPPCard mpaCard, String partID, UAPPPartStatus partStatus)
 void ControlBroker.requestToInstallPart(byte[] partAsZip, PeerCard target, UAPPCard card)
          This method allows to request the installation of an uApp part to a target node
 void ControlBroker.requestToUninstallPart(PeerCard target, UAPPCard card)
          This method allows to request the installation of an uApp part to a target node

Uses of UAPPCard in org.universAAL.middleware.brokers.message.deploy

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.brokers.message.deploy that return UAPPCard
 UAPPCard DeployPayload.getuappCard()

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.brokers.message.deploy with parameters of type UAPPCard
 void DeployPayload.setuappCard(UAPPCard mpaCard)

Constructors in org.universAAL.middleware.brokers.message.deploy with parameters of type UAPPCard
DeployNotificationPayload(byte[] part, UAPPCard mpaCard, String partID, UAPPPartStatus mpaPartStatus)
DeployPayload(byte[] part, UAPPCard mpaCard)

Uses of UAPPCard in org.universAAL.middleware.connectors

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.connectors with parameters of type UAPPCard
 void DeployConnector.installPart(File applicationPart, UAPPCard card)
          This method allows to install a part on the running container
 void DeployConnector.uninstallPart(UAPPCard card)
          This method allows to uninstall a part on the running container

Uses of UAPPCard in org.universAAL.middleware.connectors.deploy.karaf

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.connectors.deploy.karaf with parameters of type UAPPCard
 void KarafDeployConnector.installPart(File zipfile, UAPPCard card)
 UAPPPartStatus KarafDeployConnector.m_installPart(File zipfile, UAPPCard card)
 void KarafDeployConnector.uninstallPart(UAPPCard card)

Uses of UAPPCard in org.universAAL.middleware.interfaces.mpa

Fields in org.universAAL.middleware.interfaces.mpa declared as UAPPCard
 UAPPCard UAPPStatus.mpaCard

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.interfaces.mpa that return UAPPCard
 UAPPCard UAPPStatus.getMpaCard()

Constructors in org.universAAL.middleware.interfaces.mpa with parameters of type UAPPCard
UAPPStatus(UAPPCard mpaCard)

Uses of UAPPCard in org.universAAL.middleware.managers.api

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.managers.api with parameters of type UAPPCard
 void DeployManagerEventHandler.installationPartNotification(UAPPCard uappCard, String partID, PeerCard peer, UAPPPartStatus partStatus)
          Method called back in order to notifiy the result of a request to install

Uses of UAPPCard in org.universAAL.middleware.managers.deploy

Methods in org.universAAL.middleware.managers.deploy with parameters of type UAPPCard
 void DeployManagerImpl.installationPartNotification(UAPPCard card, String partID, PeerCard peer, UAPPPartStatus status)

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