Interface DeployModule

Package class diagram package DeployModule
All Superinterfaces:

public interface DeployModule
extends Module

The interface for the deploy module

Michele Girolami, Francesco Furfari

Method Summary
 void installPart(String serializedPart)
          This method delegates to the right DeployConnector the installation of a multipart application
 void uninstallPart(String serializedPart)
          This method delegates to the right DeployConnector the uninstallation of a multipart application
Methods inherited from interface org.universAAL.middleware.modules.Module
dispose, getDescription, getName, getProvider, getVersion, init, loadConfigurations

Method Detail


void installPart(String serializedPart)
This method delegates to the right DeployConnector the installation of a multipart application

serializedPart - the string serialization of the application part. An object representation can be obtained by using the unmarshaller


void uninstallPart(String serializedPart)
This method delegates to the right DeployConnector the uninstallation of a multipart application

serializedPart - the string serialization of the application part. An object representation can be obtained by using the unmarshaller

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