Interface RDFClassInfoSetup

Package class diagram package RDFClassInfoSetup
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public interface RDFClassInfoSetup

Setup interface for creating new RDF classes. The creation is separated from the usage; for every RDFClassInfo there is exactly one RDFClassInfoSetup where all the characteristics of this class are defined. To create a new RDFClassInfo, define a subclass of Ontology and overwrite the Ontology.create() method.

Carsten Stockloew
See Also:
RDFClassInfo, OntClassInfo, OntClassInfoSetup

Method Summary
 void addInstance(Resource instance)
          Add an instance of this class.
 void addSuperClass(String superClassURI)
          Add a super class.
 void addSuperClass(TypeExpression superClass)
          Add a super class.
 RDFClassInfo getInfo()
          Get the RDFClassInfo for this setup.
 void setResourceComment(String comment)
          Set the resource comment which may be used to provide a human-readable description of a resource to clarify the meaning of this class.
 void setResourceLabel(String label)
          Set the resource label which may be used to provide a human-readable version of a resource's name.

Method Detail


void addSuperClass(TypeExpression superClass)
Add a super class. Roughly speaking, this states that this class is more specific than the given class expression.

superClass - The super class.


void addSuperClass(String superClassURI)
Add a super class. Instances of this class are also instances of the class specified by superClassURI. A class can have multiple super classes. Properties that are defined in the super class are also available in the sub class.

superClassURI - URI of the super class


void addInstance(Resource instance)
Add an instance of this class.

instance - The instance to add.


RDFClassInfo getInfo()
Get the RDFClassInfo for this setup.


void setResourceComment(String comment)
Set the resource comment which may be used to provide a human-readable description of a resource to clarify the meaning of this class.

comment - The comment of the resource.


void setResourceLabel(String label)
Set the resource label which may be used to provide a human-readable version of a resource's name.

label - The label of the resource.

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