Uses of Class

Packages that use ProfileParameter

Uses of ProfileParameter in org.universAAL.middleware.service.owls.profile

Subclasses of ProfileParameter in org.universAAL.middleware.service.owls.profile
 class MultiLocationParameter
          The superclass for profile parameters that deal with locations in relation to services, hence the restriction for the property 'valueData' is not supported by this class but 'sParameter' will be mandatory accepting an array of AbsLocations.
 class NumberOfSamples
          The superclass for profile parameters that deal with counting in statistical calculations, hence the restriction for the property 'sParameter' is not supported by this class but 'valueData' will be mandatory accepting a single 'xsd:nonNegativeInteger'.
 class QoSRating
          The superclass for profile parameters that deal with rating the quality of services, hence the restriction for the property 'valueData' is not supported by this class but 'sParameter' will be mandatory accepting a single Rating.
 class ResponseTimeInMilliseconds
          The superclass for profile parameters that deal with response time measured in milliseconds, hence the restriction for the property 'sParameter' is not supported by this class but 'valueData' will be mandatory accepting a single 'xsd:positiveInteger'.
 class SingleLocationParameter
          The superclass for profile parameters that deal with locations in relation to services, hence the restriction for the property 'valueData' is not supported by this class but 'sParameter' will be mandatory accepting a single AbsLocation.

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