Class CallBasedStrategy

Package class diagram package CallBasedStrategy
  extended by java.lang.Thread
      extended by org.universAAL.middleware.bus.model.BusStrategy
          extended by org.universAAL.middleware.ui.impl.generic.EventBasedStrategy
              extended by org.universAAL.middleware.ui.impl.generic.CallBasedStrategy
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class CallBasedStrategy
extends EventBasedStrategy

A set of methods to place calls and responses, both for synchronous and asynchronous calls.


Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class java.lang.Thread
Thread.State, Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.universAAL.middleware.bus.model.BusStrategy
bus, busModule, commModule
Fields inherited from class java.lang.Thread
Constructor Summary
CallBasedStrategy(CommunicationModule commModule)
CallBasedStrategy(CommunicationModule commModule, String name)
Method Summary
 void abortAll()
          Abort all pending calls,
 void abortCall(String msgId)
          Abort the call with the given ID. it unblocks the call and the CallSynchronizer#performCall(Object, Object) will throw a InterruptedException.
protected  void handle(BusMessage m, String senderID)
protected  void placeAsynchronousRequest(PeerCard peer, CallMessage<? extends CallBasedStrategy> callMessage)
          Send an asynchronous request to memberID.
protected  void placeAsynchronousRequest(String memberID, CallMessage<? extends CallBasedStrategy> callMessage)
          Send an asynchronous request to memberID.
protected  Object placeSynchronousRequest(PeerCard peer, CallMessage<? extends CallBasedStrategy> callMessage)
          Place a Synchronous request, The CallMessage is sent and the message is anotated as waiting for response, the calling thread will be set in a waiting state until either a response to the message is received, or the call is aborted.
protected  Object placeSynchronousRequest(String memberID, CallMessage<? extends CallBasedStrategy> callMessage)
          Place a Synchronous request, The CallMessage is sent and the message is anotated as waiting for response, the calling thread will be set in a waiting state until either a response to the message is received, or the call is aborted.
 void sendAsynchronousResponse(PeerCard peer, CallMessage<? extends CallBasedStrategy> response)
 void sendAsynchronousResponse(String memberID, CallMessage<? extends CallBasedStrategy> response)
 void sendSynchronousResponse(BusMessage original, Object resp)
          For use of CallMessage subclasses to send a response to the call.
Methods inherited from class org.universAAL.middleware.ui.impl.generic.EventBasedStrategy
sendEventToRemoteBusMember, sendEventToRemoteBusMember, sendEventToRemoteBusMember, sendEventToRemoteBusMember, sendEventToRemoteBusMember
Methods inherited from class org.universAAL.middleware.bus.model.BusStrategy
buildChannelMessage, getBusMember, getLocalBusByName, handleMessage, run, send, setBus, stopThread
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Thread
activeCount, checkAccess, clone, countStackFrames, currentThread, destroy, dumpStack, enumerate, getAllStackTraces, getContextClassLoader, getDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler, getId, getName, getPriority, getStackTrace, getState, getThreadGroup, getUncaughtExceptionHandler, holdsLock, interrupt, interrupted, isAlive, isDaemon, isInterrupted, join, join, join, resume, setContextClassLoader, setDaemon, setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler, setName, setPriority, setUncaughtExceptionHandler, sleep, sleep, start, stop, stop, suspend, toString, yield
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public CallBasedStrategy(CommunicationModule commModule,
                         String name)
commModule -
name -


public CallBasedStrategy(CommunicationModule commModule)
commModule -
Method Detail


protected void handle(BusMessage m,
                      String senderID)

handle in class EventBasedStrategy
m - message
senderID - sender (bus member) ID


protected Object placeSynchronousRequest(String memberID,
                                         CallMessage<? extends CallBasedStrategy> callMessage)
                                  throws InterruptedException
Place a Synchronous request, The CallMessage is sent and the message is anotated as waiting for response, the calling thread will be set in a waiting state until either a response to the message is received, or the call is aborted.

memberID - The recipient of the request
callMessage - The Message to send.
the response to the message
InterruptedException - if the call was aborted.


protected void placeAsynchronousRequest(String memberID,
                                        CallMessage<? extends CallBasedStrategy> callMessage)
Send an asynchronous request to memberID. This method will not store the call thus the response has to be able to perform the response part by it self, by for example replying a EventMessage or a CallMessage the onResponse will have to manage.

memberID -
callMessage -


protected Object placeSynchronousRequest(PeerCard peer,
                                         CallMessage<? extends CallBasedStrategy> callMessage)
                                  throws InterruptedException
Place a Synchronous request, The CallMessage is sent and the message is anotated as waiting for response, the calling thread will be set in a waiting state until either a response to the message is received, or the call is aborted.

memberID - The recipient of the request
callMessage - The Message to send.
the response to the message
InterruptedException - if the call was aborted.


protected void placeAsynchronousRequest(PeerCard peer,
                                        CallMessage<? extends CallBasedStrategy> callMessage)
Send an asynchronous request to memberID. This method will not store the call thus the response has to be able to perform the response part by it self, by for example replying a EventMessage or a CallMessage the onResponse will have to manage.

memberID -
callMessage -


public void abortCall(String msgId)
Abort the call with the given ID. it unblocks the call and the CallSynchronizer#performCall(Object, Object) will throw a InterruptedException.

msgId - the messageId of the call that should be aborted.


public void abortAll()
Abort all pending calls,


public void sendSynchronousResponse(BusMessage original,
                                    Object resp)
For use of CallMessage subclasses to send a response to the call.

original -
resp -


public void sendAsynchronousResponse(PeerCard peer,
                                     CallMessage<? extends CallBasedStrategy> response)


public void sendAsynchronousResponse(String memberID,
                                     CallMessage<? extends CallBasedStrategy> response)

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