Package org.universAAL.middleware.ui.rdf

Package class diagram package org.universAAL.middleware.ui.rdf
Class Summary
ChoiceItem A special case of labels with an associated value suitable for usage as a leaf entry in a hierarchy of possible choices.
ChoiceList A special case of labels accepting other choice items and lists as its children and hence serving as an inner node in a hierarchy of possible choices.
Form Forms can be used to describe dialogs in a modality- & layout-neutral way.
FormControl The structural unit of forms that may bear information to be presented to human users and / or serve as a placeholder for user input.
Group The structural unit of forms that serves as a container for other form controls.
Input The abstract class for all types of form controls that serve as a placeholder for possible user input.
InputField The default Input control.
Label The type of possible values for FormControl.PROP_CONTROL_LABEL.
MediaObject An Output control for presenting media (content that goes beyond plain text).
Output The abstract class for all types of form controls that bear information to be presented to human users.
Range A range control should be used as placeholder for such user input that must belong to an ordered set of values between a known minimum value and a known maximum value.
Repeat A subclass of Group whose children are all of the same type.
Select An input control to be used if the user input is restricted to a fixed list of acceptable values.
Select1 A subclass of Select that allows only one selection.
SimpleOutput The default Output control containing info in form of plain text or another simple type supported by TypeMapper.
SubdialogTrigger A subclass of Submit that does not finish the current dialog but starts a subdialog, normally used for viewing or editing complex data that was represented in the main dialog in a summarized way or in way not suitable for editing.
Submit Represents a button in the form that finishes the dialog represented by that form.
TextArea An input control for getting larger text input.

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