Package org.universAAL.ontology.activityhub

Package class diagram package org.universAAL.ontology.activityhub
Class Summary
Activator Bundle activator.
ActivityHub Ontological SERVICE that handles activity hub devices.
ActivityHubSensor Ontological representation of an activity hub sensor concept, to be extended by different sensor types.
ActivityHubSensorEvent Intermediate concept.
ContactClosureSensor Ontological representation of a contact closure sensor according to ISO 11073 - Part 10471 (Independent living activity hub).
ContactClosureSensorEvent Ontological enumeration of contact closure sensor events according to ISO 11073 - Part 10471 (Indepentend living activity hub).
CoSensor Ontological representation of a CO (carbon monoxide) sensor according to ISO 11073 - Part 10471 (Independent living activity hub).
EnuresisSensor Ontological representation of a enuresis (bed-wetting) sensor according to ISO 11073 - Part 10471 (Independent living activity hub).
EnuresisSensorEvent Ontological enumeration of enuresis sensor events according to ISO 11073 - Part 10471 (Independent living activity hub).
EnvironmentalSensorEvent Ontological enumeration of environmental sensor events according to ISO 11073 - Part 10471 (Independent living activity hub).
FallSensor Ontological representation of a fall sensor according to ISO 11073 - Part 10471 (Independent living activity hub).
FallSensorEvent Ontological enumeration of fall sensor events according to ISO 11073 - Part 10471 (Independent living activity hub).
GasSensor Ontological representation of a gas sensor according to ISO 11073 - Part 10471 (Independent living activity hub).
MedicationDosageSensor Ontological representation of a medication dosage sensor according to ISO 11073 - Part 10471 (Independent living activity hub).
MedicationDosageSensorEvent Ontological enumeration of medication dosage sensor events according to ISO 11073 - Part 10471 (Independent living activity hub).
MotionSensor Ontological representation of a motion sensor according to ISO 11073 - Part 10471 (Independent living activity hub), edition 2010-05-01 Methods included in this class are the mandatory ones for representing an ontological concept in Java classes for uAAL.
MotionSensorEvent Ontological enumeration of motion sensor events according to ISO 11073 - Part 10471 (Independent living activity hub), edition 2010-05-01 Methods included in this class are the mandatory ones for representing an ontological enumeration in Java classes for uAAL.
PersSensor Ontological representation of a PERS (personal emergency) sensor according to ISO 11073 - Part 10471 (Independent living activity hub).
PersSensorEvent Ontological enumeration of PERS (personal emergency) sensor events according to ISO 11073 - Part 10471 (Independent living activity hub).
PropertyExitSensor Ontological representation of a property exit sensor according to ISO 11073 - Part 10471 (Independent living activity hub).
PropertyExitSensorEvent Ontological enumeration of property exit sensor events according to ISO 11073 - Part 10471 (Independent living activity hub).
SmokeSensor Ontological representation of a smoke sensor according to ISO 11073 - Part 10471 (Independent living activity hub).
SwitchSensor Ontological representation of a switch sensor according to ISO 11073 - Part 10471 (Independent living activity hub).
SwitchSensorEvent Ontological enumeration of switch sensor events according to ISO 11073 - Part 10471 (Independent living activity hub).
TemperatureSensor Ontological representation of a temperature sensor according to ISO 11073 - Part 10471 (Independent living activity hub).
TemperatureSensorEvent Ontological enumeration of temperature sensor events according to ISO 11073 - Part 10471 (Independent living activity hub), edition 2010-05-01 Methods included in this class are the mandatory ones for representing an ontological enumeration in Java classes for uAAL.
UsageSensor Ontological representation of a usage sensor according to ISO 11073 - Part 10471 (Independent living activity hub).
UsageSensorEvent Ontological enumeration of usage sensor events according to ISO 11073 - Part 10471 (Independent living activity hub), edition 2010-05-01 Methods included in this class are the mandatory ones for representing an ontological enumeration in Java classes for uAAL.
WaterSensor Ontological representation of a water sensor according to ISO 11073 - Part 10471 (Independent living activity hub).

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