
Package class diagram package
Class Summary
Beaming Ontological service that handles beaming light sources.
BeamingSource Ontological representation of a beaming light source.
BlinkableBeaming Ontological service that handles blinkable and beaming light sources.
BlinkableBeamingSource Ontological representation of a blinkable and beaming light source.
BlinkableLighting Ontological service that handles blinkable light sources.
BlinkableLightSource Ontological representation of a blinkable light source.
ElectricLight Ontological enumeration of possible electric light types.
FlamingLight Ontological enumeration of possible flaming light types.
Lighting Ontological service that handles light sources.
LightSource Ontological representation of a light source.
LightType Ontological representation of a the light type concept, to be extended by different enumerations of types.
NaturalLight Ontological enumeration of possible natural light types.

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