Uses of Class

Packages that use BuildingLevel

Uses of BuildingLevel in org.universAAL.ontology.location.indoor

Methods in org.universAAL.ontology.location.indoor that return BuildingLevel
 BuildingLevel StairWay.getFromLevel()
 BuildingLevel StairWay.getToLevel()

Methods in org.universAAL.ontology.location.indoor with parameters of type BuildingLevel
 void StairWay.setFromLevel(BuildingLevel level)
 void StairWay.setToLevel(BuildingLevel level)

Constructors in org.universAAL.ontology.location.indoor with parameters of type BuildingLevel
StairWay(String uri, Shape shape, BuildingLevel from, BuildingLevel to)
StairWay(String uri, String name, BuildingLevel from, BuildingLevel to)
          Creates a StairWay object
StairWay(String uri, String name, Shape shape, BuildingLevel from, BuildingLevel to)

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