Uses of Class

Packages that use IndoorPlace

Uses of IndoorPlace in org.universAAL.ontology.location.indoor

Subclasses of IndoorPlace in org.universAAL.ontology.location.indoor
 class BuildingLevel
          Ontological representation of a level of a building (the whole floor).
 class Corridor
          Ontological representation of corridor in a house.
 class EntranceHall
          Ontological representation of the entrance hall of a house.
 class Hall
          Ontological representation of the hall of a house.
 class Home
          Ontological representation of a house as an indoor place.
 class HomeArea
          Ontological representation of a delimited area within a house (do not mistake with the house itself).
 class Room
          Ontological representation of a room in a house.
 class StairCase
          Ontological representation of a staircase area in a house.
 class StairWay
          Ontological representation of a stairway connecting levels.

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