Uses of Class

Packages that use OutdoorPlace

Uses of OutdoorPlace in org.universAAL.ontology.location.outdoor

Subclasses of OutdoorPlace in org.universAAL.ontology.location.outdoor
 class Building
          Ontological representation of any building.
 class City
          Ontological representation of a city as a generic outdoor place.
 class CityPlace
          Ontological representation of an outdoor place in a city.
 class CityQuarter
          Ontological representation of a city quarter or neighborhood.
 class CityRegion
          Ontological representation of a region in which a city is divided.
 class Country
          Ontological representation of a country as a generic outdoor place.
 class Region
          Ontological representation of a region as a generic outdoor place.
 class State
          Ontological representation of a state as a generic outdoor place.

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