Package org.universAAL.ontology.questionnaire

Package class diagram package org.universAAL.ontology.questionnaire
Class Summary
Answer This class describes the concept of Answer, its properties and its associated methods.
AnsweredQuestionnaire This class describes the concept of AnswerQuestionnaire, its properties and its associated methods.
ChoiceLabel This class describes the concept of ChoiceLabel, its properties and its associated methods.
ConditionalQuestion This class describes the concept of ConditionalQuestion, its properties and its associated methods.
MultiChoiceQuestion This class describes the concept of MultiChoiceQuestion, its properties and its associated methods.
Question This class describes the concept of Question, its properties and its associated methods.
Questionnaire This class describes the concept of Questionnaire, its properties and its associated methods.
QuestionnaireOntology This class describes the questionnaire ontology itself.
QuestionnaireService This class describes the service given by the questionnaire ontology.
QuestionWithMedia This class describes the concept of QuestionWithMedia, its properties and its associated methods.
SingleChoiceQuestion This class describes the concept of SingleChoiceQuestion, its properties and its associated methods.

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