Uses of Class

Packages that use Situation

Uses of Situation in org.universAAL.ontology.reasoner

Methods in org.universAAL.ontology.reasoner that return Situation
 Situation Rule.getSituation()
 Situation[] ReasoningService.getSituation()

Methods in org.universAAL.ontology.reasoner with parameters of type Situation
 void ReasoningService.addSituation(Situation newValue)
 boolean Situation.equals(Situation situation)
 void Rule.setSituation(Situation situation)
 void ReasoningService.setSituation(Situation[] propertyValue)

Constructors in org.universAAL.ontology.reasoner with parameters of type Situation
Rule(Situation situation, Query query)
Rule(String uri, Situation situation, Query query)

Uses of Situation in org.universAAL.samples.context.reasoner.client.uaalinterface

Methods in org.universAAL.samples.context.reasoner.client.uaalinterface that return Situation
 Situation ReasoningCaller.addSituation(String subject, String predicate, String object, boolean persistent)
          Creates a new Situation-Object with a random URI, add it to the reasoner and return the new object.
 Situation ReasoningCaller.addSituation(String uri, String subject, String predicate, String object, boolean persistent)
          Creates a new Situation-Object with the given URI, add it to the reasoner and return the new object.

Methods in org.universAAL.samples.context.reasoner.client.uaalinterface that return types with arguments of type Situation
 List<Situation> ReasoningCaller.getSituations()

Methods in org.universAAL.samples.context.reasoner.client.uaalinterface with parameters of type Situation
 Rule ReasoningCaller.addRule(Situation situation, Query query, boolean persistent)
          A rule combines the given Situation with the given Query.
 Rule ReasoningCaller.addRule(String uri, Situation situation, Query query, boolean persistent)
          A rule combines the given Situation with the given Query.
 boolean ReasoningCaller.remove(Situation situation)

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