Package org.universAAL.ontology.recommendations

Package class diagram package org.universAAL.ontology.recommendations
Class Summary
Alignment Ontological representation of Alignment in the recommendations ontology.
CSSRecommendation CSS Recommendation is the scripting recommendation in CSS.
GridLayout Ontological representation of GridLayout in the recommendations ontology.
HorizontalAlignment Ontological representation of HorizontalAlignment in the recommendations ontology.
HorizontalLayout Ontological representation of HorizontalLayout in the recommendations ontology.
Layout Ontological representation of Layout in the recommendations ontology.
MaximumSize Used to tell Handlers an element is not supposed to exeed certain dimensions.
MinimumSize Used to tell Handlers an element is supposed to be bigger than certain dimensions.
PreferredSize Used to tell UIHandlers the optimal size an element should have.
RecommendationsOntology This class provides the main representation of the recommendations ontology for the universAAL platform.
ScriptedRecommendation Ontological representation of WebRecommendation in the recommendations ontology.
Size Ontological representation of Size in the recommendations ontology.
SizeUnit Enumerations of possible expressions of Size.
VerticalAlignment Ontological representation of VerticalAlignment in the recommendations ontology.
VerticalLayout Ontological representation of VerticalLayout in the recommendations ontology.
VisualRecommendation Ontological representation of VisualRecommendation in the recommendations ontology.

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