Uses of Class

Packages that use Message

Uses of Message in org.universAAL.ri.gateway.communicator.service

Methods in org.universAAL.ri.gateway.communicator.service that return Message
 Message GatewayCommunicator.sendImportRequest(Message message)
 Message[] GatewayCommunicator.sendImportRequest(Message message, URL[] to)
 Message[] GatewayCommunicator.sendServiceRequest(Message message)
 Message[] GatewayCommunicator.sendServiceRequest(Message message, long timeout)
 Message[] GatewayCommunicator.sendServiceRequest(Message message, URL[] to)
          Sends a service request to another AALSpace Gateway Communicator listening at given URL, waits for the response and returns it.
 Message[] GatewayCommunicator.sendServiceRequest(Message message, URL[] to, long timeout)
          Sends a service request to another AALSpace Gateway Communicator listening at given URL, waits for the response and returns it if arrived before timing out.

Methods in org.universAAL.ri.gateway.communicator.service with parameters of type Message
 void ResponseCallback.collectResponse(Message response)
          Is invoked upon arrival of the response for which this callback was registered.
 void GatewayCommunicator.sendContextEvent(Message message)
 void GatewayCommunicator.sendContextEvent(Message message, URL[] to)
          Sends a context event to other AALSpace Gateway Communicators listening at given URL.
 void GatewayCommunicator.sendImportRefresh(Message message)
 void GatewayCommunicator.sendImportRefresh(Message message, URL[] to)
 void GatewayCommunicator.sendImportRemoval(Message message)
 void GatewayCommunicator.sendImportRemoval(Message message, URL[] to)
 Message GatewayCommunicator.sendImportRequest(Message message)
 Message[] GatewayCommunicator.sendImportRequest(Message message, URL[] to)
 Message[] GatewayCommunicator.sendServiceRequest(Message message)
 Message[] GatewayCommunicator.sendServiceRequest(Message message, long timeout)
 Message[] GatewayCommunicator.sendServiceRequest(Message message, URL[] to)
          Sends a service request to another AALSpace Gateway Communicator listening at given URL, waits for the response and returns it.
 Message[] GatewayCommunicator.sendServiceRequest(Message message, URL[] to, long timeout)
          Sends a service request to another AALSpace Gateway Communicator listening at given URL, waits for the response and returns it if arrived before timing out.
 void GatewayCommunicator.sendServiceRequestAsync(Message message, URL returnTo, URL to, ResponseCallback callback)
          Sends a service request to another AALSpace Gateway Communicator listening at given URL, registers callback which will be notified once the response arrives.
 void GatewayCommunicator.sendUIRequest(Message message)
 void GatewayCommunicator.sendUIRequest(Message message, URL[] to)
          Sends a ui request to other AALSpace Gateway Communicators listening at given URL.
 void GatewayCommunicator.sendUIResponse(Message message)
 void GatewayCommunicator.sendUIResponse(Message message, URL[] to)
          Sends a ui response to other AALSpace Gateway Communicators listening at given URL.

Uses of Message in org.universAAL.ri.gateway.communicator.service.impl

Methods in org.universAAL.ri.gateway.communicator.service.impl that return Message
 Message MessageWrapper.getMessage()
 Message Serializer.marshall(Object obj)
 Message Serializer.marshallObject(Object objectToMarshall)
 Message GatewayCommunicatorImpl.sendImportRequest(Message message)
 Message[] GatewayCommunicatorImpl.sendImportRequest(Message message, URL[] to)
 Message[] GatewayCommunicatorImpl.sendServiceRequest(Message message)
 Message[] GatewayCommunicatorImpl.sendServiceRequest(Message message, long timeout)
 Message GatewayCommunicatorImpl.sendServiceRequest(Message message, URL to)
 Message[] GatewayCommunicatorImpl.sendServiceRequest(Message message, URL[] to)
          Sends a service request to another AALSpace Gateway Communicator listening at given URL, waits for the response and returns it.
 Message[] GatewayCommunicatorImpl.sendServiceRequest(Message message, URL[] to, long timeout)
          Sends a service request to another AALSpace Gateway Communicator listening at given URL, waits for the response and returns it if arrived before timing out.

Methods in org.universAAL.ri.gateway.communicator.service.impl with parameters of type Message
 void GatewayCommunicatorImpl.sendContextEvent(Message message)
 void GatewayCommunicatorImpl.sendContextEvent(Message message, URL[] to)
          Sends a context event to other AALSpace Gateway Communicators listening at given URL.
 void GatewayCommunicatorImpl.sendImportRefresh(Message message)
 void GatewayCommunicatorImpl.sendImportRefresh(Message message, URL[] to)
 void GatewayCommunicatorImpl.sendImportRemoval(Message message)
 void GatewayCommunicatorImpl.sendImportRemoval(Message message, URL[] to)
 Message GatewayCommunicatorImpl.sendImportRequest(Message message)
 Message[] GatewayCommunicatorImpl.sendImportRequest(Message message, URL[] to)
 Message[] GatewayCommunicatorImpl.sendServiceRequest(Message message)
 Message[] GatewayCommunicatorImpl.sendServiceRequest(Message message, long timeout)
 Message GatewayCommunicatorImpl.sendServiceRequest(Message message, URL to)
 Message[] GatewayCommunicatorImpl.sendServiceRequest(Message message, URL[] to)
          Sends a service request to another AALSpace Gateway Communicator listening at given URL, waits for the response and returns it.
 Message[] GatewayCommunicatorImpl.sendServiceRequest(Message message, URL[] to, long timeout)
          Sends a service request to another AALSpace Gateway Communicator listening at given URL, waits for the response and returns it if arrived before timing out.
 void GatewayCommunicatorImpl.sendServiceRequestAsync(Message message, URL returnTo, URL to, ResponseCallback callback)
          Sends a service request to another AALSpace Gateway Communicator listening at given URL, registers callback which will be notified once the response arrives.
 void GatewayCommunicatorImpl.sendUIRequest(Message message)
 void GatewayCommunicatorImpl.sendUIRequest(Message message, URL[] to)
          Sends a ui call to other AALSpace Gateway Communicators listening at given URL.
 void GatewayCommunicatorImpl.sendUIResponse(Message message)
 void GatewayCommunicatorImpl.sendUIResponse(Message message, URL[] to)
          Sends a ui response to other AALSpace Gateway Communicators listening at given URL.
<T> T
Serializer.unmarshall(Class<T> clazz, Message message)
<T> T
Serializer.unmarshallObject(Class<T> clazz, Message message)

Constructors in org.universAAL.ri.gateway.communicator.service.impl with parameters of type Message
MessageWrapper(MessageType type, Message message, String sourceId)
          Wraps a message with a random ID.
MessageWrapper(MessageType type, Message message, URL returnTo, String sourceId)
          Wraps an asynchronous request stating where it should be sent back.
MessageWrapper(MessageType type, Message message, UUID id, String sourceId)
          Wraps a message with a concrete ID (for responses).

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