Uses of Interface

Packages that use ResponseCallback

Uses of ResponseCallback in org.universAAL.ri.gateway.communicator.service

Methods in org.universAAL.ri.gateway.communicator.service with parameters of type ResponseCallback
 void GatewayCommunicator.sendServiceRequestAsync(Message message, URL returnTo, URL to, ResponseCallback callback)
          Sends a service request to another AALSpace Gateway Communicator listening at given URL, registers callback which will be notified once the response arrives.

Uses of ResponseCallback in org.universAAL.ri.gateway.communicator.service.impl

Methods in org.universAAL.ri.gateway.communicator.service.impl with parameters of type ResponseCallback
 void GatewayCommunicatorImpl.sendServiceRequestAsync(Message message, URL returnTo, URL to, ResponseCallback callback)
          Sends a service request to another AALSpace Gateway Communicator listening at given URL, registers callback which will be notified once the response arrives.

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