
Package class diagram package
Class Summary
ChangeVersionMojo Changes the version of a project to the given new Version.
CheckReportMojo This Mojo executes all checks upon a project.
DecoupleCheckMojo This Mojo will test whether the uAAL projects are being properly decoupled from OSGi.
DependencyManagementCheckMojo This Mojo checks (and fixes, if configured to do so) Dependency and DependencyManagement sections.
DirectiveCheckMojo This Mojo executes all checks upon a project.
FelixDependencyCheckFixMojo This Mojo checks (and fixes, if configured to do so) explicit Dependencies to Felix.
IncreaseVersionMojo This Mojo updates the current project's version to the next development version.
LicenseMojo This Mojo checks (and fixes, if configured to do so) for license files.
MainMethodCheckMojo This Mojo will test whether the uAAL projects have any main methods.
ModulesCheckMojo Check (and fixes, if configured to do so) that all sibling folders are listed as modules in the modules section.
NamingCheckMojo Checks that the groupId, artifactID, Version, and Name are compliant with the naming conventions.
ParentGForgePropertyCheckMojo Checks (and fixes, if configured to do so) that the POM contains the property defined.
SVNCheckMojo Checks (and fixes, if configured to do so) that the SCM defined (or inherited) by the pom matches the actual SVN url.
SVNIgnoreCheckMojo Checks (and fixes, if configured to do so) that the SVN working copy ignores the following files: ".project" ".settings" "target" ".classpath" This keeps the SVN from mixing eclipse metadata, and from big binary files in the target.
TagMojo Tags the project in an appropiate tag URL, according to its version, in concordance to T2.3 Directives.
UpdateParentPom Executes modules-check, and dependencyManagement-check (in that order).
UpdateRootVersionsMojo Changes the versions of the one pom and root dependencyManagement imports to the given new Version. sections changed: the uAAL.pom parent version the imported root poms' versions in dependencyManagement the version of itest in dependencyManagement the version of uaal-maven-plugin in dependencyManagement the version of uaaldirectives-maven-plugin in dependencyManagement the version of uaaldirectives-maven-plugin in reporting This mojo is only intended for uAAL release process.

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