
Package class diagram package
Contains the most basic helper utility for using the universAAL simplified API.


Interface Summary
ICListener Implementations of this interface act like a Context Subscriber: When an event matches a pattern associated to it by UAAL helper, it is passed to its hadleContextEvent method.
ISListener Implementations of this interface act like a Service Callee: When a service call request matches a service profile associated to it by UAAL helper, it is passed to its hadleCall method.
IUIListener Implementations of this interface act like a UI Caller: When a UI response is received to a UI request associated to the listener by UAAL helper, it is passed to its hadleUIResponse method.

Class Summary
UAAL This is a central helper class that allows you to interact with universAAL from a very high level, use its main features, and doing it with few or no extra classes and little code.
WrapperC This class is for internal use by the utility API only.
WrapperS This class is for internal use by the utility API only.
WrapperUI This class is for internal use by the utility API only.

Package Description

Contains the most basic helper utility for using the universAAL simplified API.
Only the class UAAL should be used directly, together with the interfaces. The wrappers should not be touched.

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