Interface IAdapter

Package class diagram package IAdapter
All Known Implementing Classes:
AdapterDialogPrivacyLevel, AdapterMessageInternationalization, AdapterUIPreferences, AdapterUserImpairments, AdapterUserLocation

public interface IAdapter

Interface for all Dialog Manager adaptations. Adaptations not only mean adding parameters, but also these adapters can change the content of the request, for example implementing externationalization or change relative URLs to full URLs for seamless integration of handlers with resource server.

amedrano created: 26-sep-2012 13:03:50

Method Summary
 void adapt(UIRequest request)
          Perform an UI adaptation over UIRequest.

Method Detail


void adapt(UIRequest request)
Perform an UI adaptation over UIRequest. This method may be recalled several times, therefore it must always check that the adaptation is in fact needed, and not already done.

request -

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