Interface ISubmitGroupListener

Package class diagram package ISubmitGroupListener
All Known Subinterfaces:
IMainMenuProvider, ISystemMenuProvider
All Known Implementing Classes:
AggregatedMainMenuProvider, AllMainMenuProvider, ClassicSystemMenuProvider, FileMainMenuProvider, MessageListener, PendingDialogBuilder, PendingDialogBuilderWithSubmits, PendingMessageBuilder, ProfilableFileMainMenuProvider, SearchableAggregatedMainMenuProvider, SmartPendingSystemMenuProvider, TaskBarSystemMenuProvider

public interface ISubmitGroupListener

Listen to a set of SubmissionIDs and handle the UIResponse corresponding to any of them. This interface is used for classes that generate Interaction with the user and need to manage the User's reponse.

amedrano created: 26-sep-2012 13:03:50

Method Summary
 void handle(UIResponse response)
          Handle the UIResponse for any of the SubmitionIDs declared in listDeclaredSubmitIds().
 Set<String> listDeclaredSubmitIds()
          List the SubmissionIDs implementations of this interface will handle.

Method Detail


void handle(UIResponse response)
Handle the UIResponse for any of the SubmitionIDs declared in listDeclaredSubmitIds().

response -


Set<String> listDeclaredSubmitIds()
List the SubmissionIDs implementations of this interface will handle.


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