Class Init

Package class diagram package Init
  extended by org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing.classic.Init
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Init
extends Object
implements InitInterface

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 ColorLAF getColorLAF()
 void install(Renderer render)
          The procedure of installing the LAF.
 void showLoginScreen()
          Show the Login dialog.
 void uninstall()
          The procedure of uninstalling the LAF.
 void userLogIn(User usr)
          When a user logs in this method is called.
 void userLogOff(User usr)
          When a user logs off this method is called.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Init()
Method Detail


public void install(Renderer render)
Description copied from interface: InitInterface
The procedure of installing the LAF. Any actions needed to use the LAF package should be done here.
For example initializing the UIManager.

Specified by:
install in interface InitInterface


public void uninstall()
Description copied from interface: InitInterface
The procedure of uninstalling the LAF. Any actions needed to stop using the LAF package, and leave the swing system as default should be done here.
For example reestablishing the UIManager.

Specified by:
uninstall in interface InitInterface


public void userLogIn(User usr)
Description copied from interface: InitInterface
When a user logs in this method is called. This enables the LAF package to adapt colours and sizes to the user's specific impairments.

Specified by:
userLogIn in interface InitInterface
usr - The user that just logged in.


public void userLogOff(User usr)
Description copied from interface: InitInterface
When a user logs off this method is called. This enables the LAF package to re-adapt colours and sizes.

Specified by:
userLogOff in interface InitInterface
usr - The user that just logged in.


public void showLoginScreen()
Description copied from interface: InitInterface
Show the Login dialog. this method then must call Renderer.authenticate(String, String) to complete the login process. NOTE: no need to self call InitInterface.userLogIn(User), that is handled by Renderer.authenticate(String, String) NOTE2: if Renderer.authenticate(String, String) fails no recall this method is done, this method should manage failed attempts.

Specified by:
showLoginScreen in interface InitInterface


public ColorLAF getColorLAF()

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