Package org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing.formManagement

Package class diagram package org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing.formManagement
Form Managing is the "art" of deciding which form to show at each moment.


Interface Summary
FormManager Interface to implement Form management Logic.

Class Summary
FrameManager Manage a single JFrame corresponding to a Form.
HierarchicalFormManager Hierarchical management of dialogs.
OverlayFormManager A FormManager that can command to render more than one FrameManager.
QueuedFormManager This FormManager queues the UIRequests in a priority queue according to the dialog's priority.
SimpleFormManager This FormManager is the simplest form of form management as it only displays one form at a time.
UIRequestPriorityComparator Comparator for UIRequests.

Package org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing.formManagement Description

Form Managing is the "art" of deciding which form to show at each moment.
There are two implementations Queued (not needed as the Dialog manager copes with this issue) and Simple (by default).

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