Uses of Interface

Packages that use InitInterface
org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing universAAL connector (UIHandler) and the Handler's core features. 
org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing.defaultLookAndFeel The default Look and Feel, when no look and feel is selected, or the selected one can not be found, this package is used. 

Uses of InitInterface in org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing

Fields in org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing declared as InitInterface
protected  InitInterface Renderer.initLAF
          Maintenance of the instance created when initialising the LAF, so it can be accessed by LAF components through the renderer.

Methods in org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing that return InitInterface
 InitInterface Renderer.getInitLAF()
          get the Initial instance when the LAF was loaded.
 InitInterface ModelMapper.initializeLAF()
          Initialize the selected L&F extension.

Uses of InitInterface in org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing.defaultLookAndFeel

Classes in org.universAAL.ui.handler.gui.swing.defaultLookAndFeel that implement InitInterface
 class Init
          the initialization class.

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