Class JUnitContainer

Package class diagram package JUnitContainer
  extended by org.universAAL.container.JUnit.JUnitContainer
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class JUnitContainer
extends Object
implements Container


Method Summary
 Object fetchSharedObject(ModuleContext requester, Object[] fetchParams)
          Returns an object previously shared by another module for usage within this container.
 Object[] fetchSharedObject(ModuleContext requester, Object[] fetchParams, SharedObjectListener listener)
          Returns an object previously shared by another module for usage within this container.
static JUnitContainer getInstance()
 ModuleContext installModule(ModuleContext requester, Object[] installParams)
          Provides possibility for programmatically installing (downloaded) modules.
 Iterator logListeners()
          Returns an Iterator object over all registered instances of LogListener.
 ModuleContext registerModule(Object[] regParams)
          Provides possibility for wrapping container-specific context for a module in terms of an instance of the universAAL ModuleContext.
 void removeSharedObjectListener(SharedObjectListener listener)
          This method allows a SharedObjectListener instance to be removed from the list of listeners managed by this container
 void shareObject(ModuleContext requester, Object objToShare, Object[] shareParams)
          Makes a given object accessible for the other modules hosted by this container.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static JUnitContainer getInstance()


public Object fetchSharedObject(ModuleContext requester,
                                Object[] fetchParams)
Returns an object previously shared by another module for usage within this container.

Specified by:
fetchSharedObject in interface Container
requester - The module in the context of which the shared object is going to be used.
fetchParams - Container-specific parameters for fetching shared objects.


public Object[] fetchSharedObject(ModuleContext requester,
                                  Object[] fetchParams,
                                  SharedObjectListener listener)
Returns an object previously shared by another module for usage within this container.

Specified by:
fetchSharedObject in interface Container
requester - The module in the context of which the shared object is going to be used.
fetchParams - Container-specific parameters for fetching shared objects.
listener - If not null, the listener will be notified asynchronously each time a new matching object is shared within this container.


public void removeSharedObjectListener(SharedObjectListener listener)
This method allows a SharedObjectListener instance to be removed from the list of listeners managed by this container

Specified by:
removeSharedObjectListener in interface Container
listener - the SharedObjectListener to be removed


public ModuleContext installModule(ModuleContext requester,
                                   Object[] installParams)
Provides possibility for programmatically installing (downloaded) modules.

Specified by:
installModule in interface Container
requester - The module requesting the installation; only an certain modules should be allowed to install modules on the fly
installParams - Container-specific parameters for installing modules
The context of the newly installed module if the operation is successful, null otherwise.


public Iterator logListeners()
Returns an Iterator object over all registered instances of LogListener.

Specified by:
logListeners in interface Container


public ModuleContext registerModule(Object[] regParams)
Provides possibility for wrapping container-specific context for a module in terms of an instance of the universAAL ModuleContext.

Specified by:
registerModule in interface Container
regParams - The container-specific parameters for identifying the module.
The universAAL wrapper object as an instance of ModuleContext.


public void shareObject(ModuleContext requester,
                        Object objToShare,
                        Object[] shareParams)
Makes a given object accessible for the other modules hosted by this container.

Specified by:
shareObject in interface Container
requester - The module in the context of which the shared object is going to be used.
objToShare - The actual object to be shared.
shareParams - Container-specific parameters for sharing a specific object.

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