Class NativeURI

Package class diagram package NativeURI
  extended by org.openrdf.model.impl.URIImpl
      extended by org.universAAL.context.sesame.sail.model.NativeURI
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, org.openrdf.model.Resource, org.openrdf.model.URI, org.openrdf.model.Value, NativeResource, NativeValue

public class NativeURI
extends org.openrdf.model.impl.URIImpl
implements NativeResource

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface org.universAAL.context.sesame.sail.model.NativeValue
Constructor Summary
protected NativeURI(ValueStoreRevision revision, int internalID)
  NativeURI(ValueStoreRevision revision, String uri)
  NativeURI(ValueStoreRevision revision, String uri, int internalID)
  NativeURI(ValueStoreRevision revision, String namespace, String localname)
  NativeURI(ValueStoreRevision revision, String namespace, String localname, int internalID)
Method Summary
 boolean equals(Object o)
 int getInternalID()
          Gets the ID that is used in the native store for this Value.
 ValueStoreRevision getValueStoreRevision()
          Gets the revision of the value store that created this value.
 void setInternalID(int internalID, ValueStoreRevision revision)
          Sets the ID that is used for this value in a specific revision of the value store.
Methods inherited from class org.openrdf.model.impl.URIImpl
getLocalName, getNamespace, hashCode, setURIString, stringValue, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.openrdf.model.Value

Constructor Detail


protected NativeURI(ValueStoreRevision revision,
                    int internalID)


public NativeURI(ValueStoreRevision revision,
                 String uri)


public NativeURI(ValueStoreRevision revision,
                 String uri,
                 int internalID)


public NativeURI(ValueStoreRevision revision,
                 String namespace,
                 String localname)


public NativeURI(ValueStoreRevision revision,
                 String namespace,
                 String localname,
                 int internalID)
Method Detail


public void setInternalID(int internalID,
                          ValueStoreRevision revision)
Description copied from interface: NativeValue
Sets the ID that is used for this value in a specific revision of the value store.

Specified by:
setInternalID in interface NativeValue


public ValueStoreRevision getValueStoreRevision()
Description copied from interface: NativeValue
Gets the revision of the value store that created this value. The value's internal ID is only valid when it's value store revision is equal to the value store's current revision.

Specified by:
getValueStoreRevision in interface NativeValue
The revision of the value store that created this value at the time it last set the value's internal ID.


public int getInternalID()
Description copied from interface: NativeValue
Gets the ID that is used in the native store for this Value.

Specified by:
getInternalID in interface NativeValue
The value's ID, or NativeValue.UNKNOWN_ID if not yet set.


public boolean equals(Object o)
Specified by:
equals in interface org.openrdf.model.URI
equals in class org.openrdf.model.impl.URIImpl

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