Interface NativeValue

Package class diagram package NativeValue
All Superinterfaces:
Serializable, org.openrdf.model.Value
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
NativeBNode, NativeLiteral, NativeURI

public interface NativeValue
extends org.openrdf.model.Value

Field Summary
static int UNKNOWN_ID
Method Summary
 int getInternalID()
          Gets the ID that is used in the native store for this Value.
 ValueStoreRevision getValueStoreRevision()
          Gets the revision of the value store that created this value.
 void setInternalID(int id, ValueStoreRevision revision)
          Sets the ID that is used for this value in a specific revision of the value store.
Methods inherited from interface org.openrdf.model.Value

Field Detail


static final int UNKNOWN_ID
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


void setInternalID(int id,
                   ValueStoreRevision revision)
Sets the ID that is used for this value in a specific revision of the value store.


int getInternalID()
Gets the ID that is used in the native store for this Value.

The value's ID, or UNKNOWN_ID if not yet set.


ValueStoreRevision getValueStoreRevision()
Gets the revision of the value store that created this value. The value's internal ID is only valid when it's value store revision is equal to the value store's current revision.

The revision of the value store that created this value at the time it last set the value's internal ID.

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