Uses of Class

Packages that use FHZ1000PC

Uses of FHZ1000PC in org.universAAL.lddi.fs20.connect

Methods in org.universAAL.lddi.fs20.connect with parameters of type FHZ1000PC
 void FS20Listener.Init(FHZ1000PC fhz, LogTracker log)
          Initializes a new FS20EventListener

Uses of FHZ1000PC in org.universAAL.lddi.fs20.devicemodel

Methods in org.universAAL.lddi.fs20.devicemodel with parameters of type FHZ1000PC
protected  void FS20Device.setConnection(FHZ1000PC connection)

Constructors in org.universAAL.lddi.fs20.devicemodel with parameters of type FHZ1000PC
FS20FMSDevice(FHZ1000PC connection)
          Constructor for a FS20FMS device with the used connection
FS20PIRxDevice(FHZ1000PC connection)
          Constructor for a FS20RGBSA device with the used connection
FS20RGBSADevice(FHZ1000PC connection)
          Constructor for a FS20RGBSA device with the used connection
FS20SIGDevice(FHZ1000PC connection)
          Constructor for a FS20RGBSA device with the used connection
FS20STDevice(FHZ1000PC connection)
          Constructor for a FS20ST device with the used connection

Uses of FHZ1000PC in org.universAAL.lddi.fs20.server

Methods in org.universAAL.lddi.fs20.server with parameters of type FHZ1000PC
static HashMap<String,org.osgi.framework.ServiceRegistration> DeviceReader.readDevices(org.osgi.framework.BundleContext context, FHZ1000PC connection)
          Load all devices out of property files stored in the folder rundir/confadmin/fs20

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