Uses of Class

Packages that use KnxGroupDevice

Uses of KnxGroupDevice in org.universAAL.lddi.knx.groupdevicemodel

Subclasses of KnxGroupDevice in org.universAAL.lddi.knx.groupdevicemodel
 class KnxDpt1GroupDevice
          Concrete implementation of KNX group devices for KNX data type 1.***.
 class KnxDpt2GroupDevice
          Concrete implementation of KNX group devices for KNX data type 2.***.
 class KnxDpt3GroupDevice
          Concrete implementation of KNX group devices for KNX data type 3.***.
 class KnxDpt4GroupDevice
          Concrete implementation of KNX group devices for KNX data type 4.***.
 class KnxDpt5GroupDevice
          Concrete implementation of KNX group devices for KNX data type 5.***.
 class KnxDpt9GroupDevice
          Concrete implementation of KNX group devices for KNX data type 9.***.

Methods in org.universAAL.lddi.knx.groupdevicemodel that return KnxGroupDevice
static KnxGroupDevice KnxGroupDeviceFactory.getKnxGroupDevice(int dptMainNumber)

Uses of KnxGroupDevice in org.universAAL.lddi.knx.interfaces

Fields in org.universAAL.lddi.knx.interfaces declared as KnxGroupDevice
 KnxGroupDevice KnxDriver.groupDevice

Methods in org.universAAL.lddi.knx.interfaces with parameters of type KnxGroupDevice
 void IKnxNetwork.addGroupDevice(String groupDeviceId, KnxGroupDevice groupDevice)
 void IKnxNetwork.removeGroupDevice(String groupDeviceId, KnxGroupDevice groupDevice)
 boolean KnxDriver.setgroupDevice(KnxGroupDevice groupDevice)
          store the groupDevice link this driver to the groupDevice

Uses of KnxGroupDevice in org.universAAL.lddi.knx.networkdriver

Methods in org.universAAL.lddi.knx.networkdriver with parameters of type KnxGroupDevice
 void KnxNetworkDriverImp.addGroupDevice(String deviceId, KnxGroupDevice device)
          Devices can register here to get events from the knx bus
 void KnxNetworkDriverImp.removeGroupDevice(String deviceId, KnxGroupDevice device)
          Devices can unregister here to stop getting events from the knx bus

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