Uses of Interface

Packages that use IKnxReceiveMessage

Uses of IKnxReceiveMessage in org.universAAL.lddi.knx.driver

Classes in org.universAAL.lddi.knx.driver that implement IKnxReceiveMessage
 class KnxDpt1Instance
          Working instance of the IKnxDpt1 driver.
 class KnxDpt3Instance
          Working instance of the IKnxDpt3 driver.
 class KnxDpt5Instance
          Working instance of the IKnxDpt5 driver.
 class KnxDpt9Instance
          Working instance of the IKnxDpt9 driver.

Uses of IKnxReceiveMessage in org.universAAL.lddi.knx.groupdevicemodel

Classes in org.universAAL.lddi.knx.groupdevicemodel that implement IKnxReceiveMessage
 class KnxDpt1GroupDevice
          Concrete implementation of KNX group devices for KNX data type 1.***.
 class KnxDpt2GroupDevice
          Concrete implementation of KNX group devices for KNX data type 2.***.
 class KnxDpt3GroupDevice
          Concrete implementation of KNX group devices for KNX data type 3.***.
 class KnxDpt4GroupDevice
          Concrete implementation of KNX group devices for KNX data type 4.***.
 class KnxDpt5GroupDevice
          Concrete implementation of KNX group devices for KNX data type 5.***.
 class KnxDpt9GroupDevice
          Concrete implementation of KNX group devices for KNX data type 9.***.
 class KnxGroupDevice
          One KNX group groupDevice represents one groupAddress (with additional properties) from ETS4 XML export.

Fields in org.universAAL.lddi.knx.groupdevicemodel declared as IKnxReceiveMessage
protected  IKnxReceiveMessage KnxGroupDevice.driver
          reference to my driver instance; can be just one!

Methods in org.universAAL.lddi.knx.groupdevicemodel with parameters of type IKnxReceiveMessage
 void KnxGroupDevice.addDriver(IKnxReceiveMessage driverInstance)
          store a driver reference for this groupDevice

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