Uses of Class

Packages that use SegmSelection

Uses of SegmSelection in org.universAAL.lddi.lib.ieeex73std.x73.p20601.dim

Methods in org.universAAL.lddi.lib.ieeex73std.x73.p20601.dim with parameters of type SegmSelection
abstract  void PM_Store.Clear_Segments(SegmSelection segsel)
          Clear-Segments: This method allows the manager to delete the data currently stored in one or more selected PMsegments.
abstract  SegmentInfoList PM_Store.Get_Segment_Info(SegmSelection segsel)
          Get-Segment-Info: This method allows the manager to retrieve PM-segment attributes of one or more PM-segments, with the exception of the Fixed-Segment-Data attribute which contains the actual stored data and is retrieved by using the Trig-Segment-Data-Xfer method.

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