Class PM_Store

Package class diagram package PM_Store
  extended by org.universAAL.lddi.lib.ieeex73std.x73.p20601.dim.DIM
      extended by org.universAAL.lddi.lib.ieeex73std.x73.p20601.dim.PM_Store
All Implemented Interfaces:
GET_Service, PM_Store_Events

public abstract class PM_Store
extends DIM
implements GET_Service, PM_Store_Events

An instance of the PM-store class provides long-term storage capabilities for metric data. Data are stored in a variable number of PM-segment objects (see 6.3.8). The stored data of the PM-store object are requested from the agent by the manager using object access services (see 7.3). Anybody not familiar with the PMstore concept may wish to read Annex C for a conceptual overview prior to reading the following subclauses.


Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.universAAL.lddi.lib.ieeex73std.x73.p20601.dim.DIM
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
abstract  void Clear_Segments(SegmSelection segsel)
          Clear-Segments: This method allows the manager to delete the data currently stored in one or more selected PMsegments.
abstract  SegmentInfoList Get_Segment_Info(SegmSelection segsel)
          Get-Segment-Info: This method allows the manager to retrieve PM-segment attributes of one or more PM-segments, with the exception of the Fixed-Segment-Data attribute which contains the actual stored data and is retrieved by using the Trig-Segment-Data-Xfer method.
 int getNomenclatureCode()
abstract  TrigSegmDataXferRsp Trig_Segment_Data_Xfer(TrigSegmDataXferReq trigseg)
          Trig-Segment-Data-Xfer: This method allows the manager to start the transfer of the Fixed-Segment-Data attribute of a specified PM-segment.
Methods inherited from class org.universAAL.lddi.lib.ieeex73std.x73.p20601.dim.DIM
addObjecttoDim, getObjectfromDim
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.universAAL.lddi.lib.ieeex73std.x73.p20601.dim.GET_Service
Methods inherited from interface org.universAAL.lddi.lib.ieeex73std.x73.p20601.dim.PM_Store_Events

Constructor Detail


public PM_Store()
Method Detail


public int getNomenclatureCode()
Specified by:
getNomenclatureCode in class DIM


public abstract void Clear_Segments(SegmSelection segsel)
Clear-Segments: This method allows the manager to delete the data currently stored in one or more selected PMsegments. All entries in the selected PM-segments are deleted. If the agent supports a variable number of PM-segments, the agent may delete empty PM-segments. Additionally, the agent may clear PMsegments without direction from the manager (e.g., the user of the agent could choose to delete data stored on the agent); however, if doing so while in an Associated state, the Instance-Number shall remain empty for the duration of the association. The Instance-Number of all other PM-segments shall be unaffected by clearing a segment. If this method is invoked on a PM-segment that has the Operational-State attribute set to enabled, the agent shall reply with a not-allowed-by-object error (roer) with a return code of MDC_RET_CODE_OBJ_BUSY. Note that the behavior of the Clear-Segments method is application specific. The method may remove all entries from the specified PM-segment, leaving it empty, or it may remove the defined PM-segment completely. This behavior is defined in the PM-Store-Capab attribute. For specific applications, recommendations are defined in corresponding device specializations, making use of the PM-store.


public abstract SegmentInfoList Get_Segment_Info(SegmSelection segsel)
Get-Segment-Info: This method allows the manager to retrieve PM-segment attributes of one or more PM-segments, with the exception of the Fixed-Segment-Data attribute which contains the actual stored data and is retrieved by using the Trig-Segment-Data-Xfer method. In particular, the Get-Segment-Info method allows the manager to retrieve the Instance-Number attributes of the PM-segment object instances and their data contents.


public abstract TrigSegmDataXferRsp Trig_Segment_Data_Xfer(TrigSegmDataXferReq trigseg)
Trig-Segment-Data-Xfer: This method allows the manager to start the transfer of the Fixed-Segment-Data attribute of a specified PM-segment. The agent indicates in the response if it accepts or denies this request. If the agent accepts the request, the agent sends Segment-Data-Event messages as described in If this method is invoked on a PM-segment that has the Operational-State attribute set to enabled, the agent shall reply with a not-allowed-by-object error (roer) with a return code of MDC_RET_CODE_OBJ_BUSY.

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