Interface GET_Service

Package class diagram package GET_Service
All Known Implementing Classes:
CfgScanner, DeviceSpecialization, EpiCfgscanner, ExtendedConfiguration, MDS, p10404PulsiOximeter, p10407BloodPressure, p10408Thermometer, p10415WeighingScale, p10417Glucometer, p10441ActivityMonitor, p10442Strength, p10471ActivityHub, PeriCfgScanner, PM_Store, Scanner

public interface GET_Service

Method Summary
 void GET()
          The manager may request the MDS object attributes of the agent in which case the manager shall send the Remote Operation Invoke | Get command (see roiv-cmip-get in A.10.2) with the reserved handle value of 0.

Method Detail


void GET()
The manager may request the MDS object attributes of the agent in which case the manager shall send the Remote Operation Invoke | Get command (see roiv-cmip-get in A.10.2) with the reserved handle value of 0. The agent shall respond by reporting its MDS object attributes to the manager using the Remote Operation Response | Get response (see rors-cmip-get in A.10.2). In the response to a Get MDS Object command, only attributes implemented by the agent are returned.

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