Interface PM_Store_Events

Package class diagram package PM_Store_Events
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface PM_Store_Events

Method Summary
 SegmentDataResult Segment_Data_Event(SegmentDataEvent segdataev)
          This event sends data stored in the Fixed-Segment-Data of a PM-segment from the agent to the manager.

Method Detail


SegmentDataResult Segment_Data_Event(SegmentDataEvent segdataev)
This event sends data stored in the Fixed-Segment-Data of a PM-segment from the agent to the manager. The event is triggered by the manager by the Trig-Segment-Data-Xfer method. Once the data transfer is triggered, the agent sends Segment-Data-Event messages until the complete Fixed-Segment- Data is transferred or the transfer is aborted by the manager or agent. See Transfer PM-segment content in for a full description. It is encouraged to place as many segment entries contained in a Segment-Data-Event as possible to reduce the number of messages required for the transfer of the segment. Support for the event by the agent is mandatory if the agent supports PM-store objects.

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