Package org.universAAL.lddi.zwave.exporter.Server

Package class diagram package org.universAAL.lddi.zwave.exporter.Server
Interface Summary
ISocketServer Socket server interface.
ISocketServerConnection Interface to be implemented by the classes handling socket connections.
ISocketServerConnectionListener Callback interface used to receive events from the ISocketServerConnection.
ISocketServerProtocolDecoderFactory Factory class for ISocketSeverProtocolDecoder .
ISocketServerProtocolDecoderListener Interface to receive notifications from ISocketSeverProtocolDecoder.
ISocketSeverProtocolDecoder Interface to be implemented by the classes used to decode the incoming bytes of a connection into packets or frames.

Class Summary
AbstractProtocolDecoder Abstract class with the basics of a ISocketSeverProtocolDecoder .
AbstractSocketServer Abstract class with the basics of implementing a ISocketServer .
AbstractSocketServerXSocket Socket server implemented using xSocket library.
ConnectionDataHandler Connection wrapper to be used with xSocket library.
ConnectionLinker Links connection Id with actual connections.
TransferRateCalculator Class to calculate transfer rates.

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