Package org.universAAL.maven

Package class diagram package org.universAAL.maven
Class Summary
FilteringVisitorSupport This abstract class is a support for implementations of DependencyNodeVisitor which provides methods for: filtering, stringifying, remembering visited nodes.
IndexingDependencyNodeVisitor This DepepdencyVistor traverses depedency tree in depth-first manner.
LaunchOrderDependencyNodeVisitor This DepepdencyVistor traverses depedency tree in depth-first manner.
MyMojoExecutorV15 This class was extracted from mojo-executor-1.5 artifact and adopoted in uaal-maven-plugin for purpose of simultaneouse compliance with maven 2 and 3.
MyMojoExecutorV15.Element Element wrapper class for configuration elements.
MyMojoExecutorV15.ExecutionEnvironment Collects Maven execution information.
MyMojoExecutorV15.ExecutionEnvironmentM2 Collects Maven 2 execution information.
MyMojoExecutorV15.ExecutionEnvironmentM3 Collects Maven 3 execution information.
UaalCompositeMojo This mojo creates composite file (artifact.composite) for project in which it is executed.
UaalRunnerMojo This mojo creates composite file (artifact.composite) for project in which it is executed.
UaalTestMojo This mojo creates composite file (artifact-test.composite) for project in which it is executed.

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